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24Loving Them Stories
This is for everyone i feel like wrote a great story n mi sis going to help me pick out the best ones and Justalilcrazy love your stoies they will be posted on here! *Thank*You*
English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 1 - Since: 02-15-11 - Founder: Zzz-PoisonLove-zzZ
19The Weird, The Random, And the Wonderful
Just a load of really random bits and pieces of all catergories... From comical songs, to conversations with ourselves. Great poetry or phenomenal stories. Just ANYTHING! If you'd like to be a staff or if you want me to upload one of your stories to the community, just message me, -The-One-Who-Needs-A-Life-, I'll read through stuff and more than likely accept but Its a possibility that I will decline so make sure you proof read stories beforehand. =] Enjoy the material me and my staff have picked out =D
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 01-03-11 - Founder: The-One-Who-Needs-A-Life
8Romance and Young Adults
For good love stories between young people
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 12-23-10 - Founder: I'mTheSummerToYourWinter
Do you think your story is hot! Post it here!
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 10-20-10 - Founder: Wade0112
16Wolves a-plenty
Love stories that contains wolves and their mates. Mostly completed stories. Currently looking for staff.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 07-13-10 - Founder: KariandTK
14My Recommendations
This is the list of fiction stories I recommend to any yaoi fan. Please note that everything here is only M rated and yaoi categorized. Hope you find something you like ^_^
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 06-26-10 - Founder: kimosumiko
6Bad Boys XD
Love to hate them, Hate to love them...XD
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 06-02-10 - Founder: Bitterblue23
79The Great Archive of All-Time Favorites
My almost 700 (and growing!) count Favorites List can be intimidating, so I put the best of the best into this archive (as well as my own work). Focuses on YA Romance. Only COMPLETE stories, about all 20,000+ words (I don't like one-shots!), with the exception of my poetry/short stories that I posted. Enjoy!
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 04-30-10 - Founder: deaderthandisco
5Book and Pen
Comunidad de Book & Pen. Literatura en prosa de caracter general. Todos los géneros son bienvenidos.
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 04-22-10 - Founder: Greenleaves
150Creativity at Its Best.
I'm a sucker for creativity, originality and all that's eccentric in its own way. All categories. All genres. All situations. All sexualities. As long as it's something readable with great grammar, plot, sentence structure, characterisation etc. It is the Best.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 04-11-10 - Founder: rugvbkh799
5Baka Randomness?
Just a 'community' for all the bakas out there to put their writing here. Baka Rangers are especially welcome, but I am so running out of colors for people. ~~Baka Leader Kali
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 03-24-10 - Founder: Kali Aurai
6The White Room
A collection of well-written stories ranging from odd to bemusing to flat-out freaky. If you know a story you think should be added, let me know!
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 03-19-10 - Founder: ZyggyGirl
28Best Romance
Because everyone wants a good love story. Includes MOSTLY slash (both M/M and F/F)and some Het. Read Stupid Post It Notes and Breaking the Mirror first. They're the best ones on the list.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 12-28-09 - Founder: Annabel H. Wilde
2Poetic Writers
Just a place to share your stories, poems, etc. Please enjoy!
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 12-03-09 - Founder: xXDaRkEsThOpEsXx
10Werewolf Stories
Great supernatural romance, mainly based off of werewolves, among other nightly creatures thrown in.
English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 1 - Since: 12-01-09 - Founder: BJG Pwns
7Seulement le Meilleur
This community only houses the best of Fictionpress - the stories with amazing plotlines, characters and writing. This community has fiction from all genres, but specializes in romance, fantasy, and supernatural stories. So come in and take a look!
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 11-01-09 - Founder: Stuck in Silver
2An Angsty World With A Little Bit Of Hope
A place where stories and poems leaning towards the angsty side can be found. With a possibility of some on the happy side, but the majority will lean towards the dark side of things.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 09-24-09 - Founder: K.S.Publicover
5Randomness Allowed
This community will be the catch-all for any and all of my favorite stories, and whoever wishes to try to become a staff member. Stories here may by humorous, sad, or just plain weird, but pretty much anything not rated M is allowed.
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 09-10-09 - Founder: PersonofthePen
116... And They Lived Happily Ever After
This for the people that love seeing the hero/heroin getting the girl/guy of their dreams. NO tragedy will be found in this community. Any pairing is accepted and I hope you enjoy this. Almost all stories are complete. STAFF NEEDED
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 08-13-09 - Founder: Jazzisabatmanfan
22Vampire Fiction
A collection of vampire fiction stories! All accepted! Send me a message if you want your story to be featured here.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 08-04-09 - Founder: tinkerchu
3What J-Time Loves
(In progress!)
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 07-20-09 - Founder: JTime
14A C2 For All my Favorite Storys
Hi everyone I am making this C2 so that I can put my favorite storys I read on here.I hope ya like it. KatiechanXoxoXSesshoukun
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 07-05-09 - Founder: KatiechanXoxoXSesshoukun
42Love, Cliche, Great Stories?
I am a sucker for romance/cliche stories. Here I'll try to have all COMPLETED stories that are atleast 60,000. Wanna help? Recommend? Be a staff member.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 06-30-09 - Founder: silentscream4luv
Undiscovered strives to bring you the well-written stories that slipped through the crack. Our goal is to sift through the pages of FP stories, find the ones with potential, and bring them into the light of recognition. Join to recieve weekly updates.
English - Staff: 7 - Followers: 1 - Since: 06-26-09 - Founder: simplicity0o1
Finished and are,in my opinion, a great read :)Fantasy/Supernatural related.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 1 - Since: 06-19-09 - Founder: iWait
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