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128Femslash Stories and Poetry
A place for any of you who like femslash, lesbian, f/f, yuri, whatever you like to call it, stories and poetry. There is some really good stories in here so I suggest you check it out. There are tons of stories here so I'm sure no matter what your taste is, I'm sure that you'll find at least one story that you will just love. Also if you want to help add stories/poetry feel send me a PM about it.
English - Staff: 5 - Followers: 29 - Since: 06-26-07 - Founder: RySky
20Boys, Boys, and More Boys
The place where the hottest boys from the best written slash fics gather and play! Open for submissions.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 28 - Since: 02-04-09 - Founder: Blind Scribe
23Boys and Baby Bumps -- Mpreg
Because boys with baby-bumps are cute, the best mpreg stories on FictionPress will be gathered here. Feel free to recommend stories. I will take a look and add them if appropriate. Warnings include slash and mpreg, obviously. At this point in time, I will add stories even if content isn't always written well, because it's tough to find good mpreg. Hopefully this improves. :)
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 25 - Since: 07-05-09 - Founder: TheLadyPendragon
6Next Best Thing
A C2 dedicated to strong female leads who are beholden to no man, no myth, nor any kind of idealized feminine mystique. Roar on. Additions? Suggestions? PM me with 'em. Don't forget to check all ratings. UPDATE 4/21/14: This community's potential is horribly underutilized. Anybody interested in taking over/becoming staff/dressing in drag and doing the hula? Message me! [The title is a reference to "Fairytale" by Sara Bareilles.]
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 25 - Since: 04-05-09 - Founder: Le Meg
22Loving the Game
Romance and sports, what can be better?
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 25 - Since: 07-30-07 - Founder: thats.the.beauty.of.it
186Obsession yaoi
Fics yaoi/slash sur fictionpress.
English - Staff: 14 - Followers: 24 - Since: 10-26-06 - Founder: Pivoine
351City lights BURN likeStars
Just random slash stories. All my favorites or stories Im just watching. All slash. Updated constantly. Why? Cause I have no life. ;D
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 22 - Since: 10-17-06 - Founder: City Lights Burn Like Stars
42F/F stories
Some of the best F/f stories that i read
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 21 - Since: 11-07-06 - Founder: Vonvon
77Great Completed Slash Stories
This is a collection of really good slash, aka shonenai or Yaoi, stories that I've found on Fictionpress, all of which are completed.
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 21 - Since: 10-17-06 - Founder: Lady Psychic
45Plastic Black Rose
A collection of quality dark stories of any genre. Horrific, supernatural, morbidly amusing, gorey, angsty, or downright weird... I'll find it, and it'll be here.
English - Staff: 10 - Followers: 20 - Since: 10-21-06 - Founder: The Ghost Drowned
9Ladies and Gentlemen...
Is eighteenth/nineteenth century England your cup of tea? These stories will bring you back to the dazzling ballrooms of yesterday's high society.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 20 - Since: 10-18-06 - Founder: Acy Yua
18Fantastical Romance
Romance is by far one of the best and most popular types of fiction writing, and one of my favorites. This C2 is dedicated to love stories from every time, world, etc. And always looking for new stories.
English - Staff: 3 - Followers: 20 - Since: 10-18-06 - Founder: BlueEmerald4
This community archive consists of stories from aspiring writers who post at least one work of poetry OR fiction a month. Members of the community will engage in constructive criticism and the exchange of ideas. Please make sure you put depth and meaning into your work!
English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 19 - Since: 09-20-09 - Founder: Miss Aspiring Writer
10The Dark Side
Darkness...despair...depression...disorders...it's all here.
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 19 - Since: 02-23-07 - Founder: vulnerata
139Stop and Stare
All the stories that are just about the best on this site. Three cheers to the authors that can keep us awake for days on end, just waiting for the next chapter. Woot! Oneshots and Novels.ALWAYS LOOKING FOR STAFF! This C2 is for romance stories, it is just in general because not every good romance story is under the romance genre. Oh, and Check out For the Love of Oneshots, and give them some lovin!(IN ROMANCE) Awesome C2, with the largest collection of Romantic one shots around!
English - Staff: 3 - Followers: 17 - Since: 04-19-07 - Founder: the wicked monkey
22Never Wake a Sleeping Dragon
Never Wake the Sleeping Dragon they say... But you know, the authors of Fiction Press ignore this saying and go right into the poking and water splashing. Here you will find any story that involves our favorite fantasy creature of the old. Please note that I am looking for staff or kind readers to help find these stories and message them to me, they keep running away from me and I'm getting depressed here.
English - Staff: 6 - Followers: 16 - Since: 10-29-06 - Founder: Siamh
My slash recommendations. All fics are complete. Feel free to send me new stories that you feel should be added in the Slash Readers' Recommendations on my profile!
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 16 - Since: 10-25-06 - Founder: Naatz
13A World of Deceit
Spying or spied? If your story has anything to do with the world of espionage and deception, then this C2 is for you. Join.
English - Staff: 5 - Followers: 16 - Since: 10-17-06 - Founder: Moonlite Star
26Twisted Minds Twist Alike
Any (and every) well-written story of the horror genre. From murder to monsters, anything goes.
English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 14 - Since: 06-04-08 - Founder: im.a.werewolf.rawr
10The Demon's Skull Tavern
Where people who think they have epic or amazing stories want to share them with the rest of the world... For those interested in joining or adding a story to the community, just PM me.
English - Staff: 13 - Followers: 14 - Since: 10-22-06 - Founder: Ibex
An easy place to read slash without having to go through pages upon pages. All different genres and ratings. The only thing you wont find are no one-shots. I don't read all the stories I add. It is for my enjoyment and any readers who enjoy slash stories.Everyone please feel free to nominate their work or make a request to become staff.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 13 - Since: 09-08-12 - Founder: dragonlilly1993
37Vampire Tales
Place where you can find every different type of vampire story. Come here to read it all. [currently adding stories]
English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 12 - Since: 11-04-06 - Founder: xbluxmoonx
59Love Affair
A collection of fiction that includes some kind of romance with a multicultural emphasis. Most of the stories will be Interracial Romances(IR). Most of the stories will star women of color. I generally only add stories that have been completed or are so good completion doesn't matter. Be aware that most stories will have adult themes as well as homosexuality. Everybody needs love!
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 11 - Since: 05-26-11 - Founder: Mia-Reviews
114Abstract Goodness
These are some of the best different and abstract poems by authors you love. I don't really want staff, but I will take suggestions, so just message me if there's a poem you want in the c2 and I'll check it out.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PS: Set the rating to all or you'll miss out on some really good Mrated poems.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 11 - Since: 10-28-06 - Founder: from beneath the bell jar
52Furry stories
A place where furry stories can live in harmony with one another. If there is a certain furry(as in anthro in case you thought otherwise) story you want added in here let me know and I'll add it in for you.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 10 - Since: 05-28-14 - Founder: IhaveNoAmbition969
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