66Talented and Unique Poems in Love
The truly beautiful poems about love that makes us gasp when we read these poems! Poems that are so unique that nothing else is like it!
English - Staff: 7 - Followers: 22 - Since: 10-26-06 - Founder: Daphne Kathy Goodman
24Love Tragedy
Its the pain of nothingness the hurt of a lost friend or the lost confusion in a lovers eye. Nothing that can really help only empty words spoken by others. What pains they bring when they speak. To ears that wish to be left alone. Its a tragedy of love that they for see. And nothing will help it now. No words. Just a hope for better days. So ideas? or would like to join? PM me and I will take a look or add you. That's about it.
English - Staff: 5 - Followers: 19 - Since: 03-14-08 - Founder: birdsfly
80On your mind, In your heart
"Words! Mere words! How terrible they were! How clear, and vivid, and cruel! One could not escape from them. And yet what a subtle magic there was in them! They seemed to be able to give a plastic form to formless things, and to have a music of their own as sweet as that of viol or of lute. Mere words! Was there anything more real as words?" -Oscar Wilde. Our goal is to make you feel the emotions that inspired us as writers. Poems on love, hurt/comfort, angst (all parts of life), pm me if interested
English - Staff: 10 - Followers: 11 - Since: 11-30-14 - Founder: Setter
A collection of confessions, as well as unusual and unrequited love.
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 10 - Since: 12-31-06 - Founder: Chaotic Demon
124It's Worth The Ride
Poems of hurt and happiness. Everyone is encourged to read.. Know someone who you think should be put in here? Let me no ASAP or one of my staff members.. enjoy!
English - Staff: 3 - Followers: 5 - Since: 10-24-07 - Founder: XxXKristie MarieXxX
10Poems with no reviews in Love.
I have noticed most people pick what they are going to read by looking at how many reviews they have, so this is the spot for poems that don't have many reviews but hopfully will after being on here for a little while.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 5 - Since: 04-25-09 - Founder: SpaceKid
18The Heart
A community for love poems.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 5 - Since: 02-05-17 - Founder: XXXDISCONTINUEDXXX
1Eternal Love
Poetry by/to those that feel a love beyond all the galaxies above. This C2 is where words apeak louder than actions.
English - Staff: 2 - Followers: 3 - Since: 03-08-10 - Founder: Nero Wolfe
10Sad Love
Unrequited love, death, all kinds of love that fall a bit on the sad side.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 2 - Since: 12-29-10 - Founder: her brown eyes
9Heart Shaped Locket
As The Beatles would say 'Love, love, love...'
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 05-24-08 - Founder: ABCsAreMyFriends
6Any kind of poetry
Everyone needs help some way and We can help by learning from others.
English - Staff: 4 - Followers: 1 - Since: 06-27-13 - Founder: Alexandria Woolf
7Broken andor Beautiful
A collection of what I believe are the greatest poems to get you through something.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 06-17-07 - Founder: Last.Real Record Store onEarth
6Beautiful Poems
Poems that are cute and very loving!
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 0 - Since: 10-23-11 - Founder: KookyKittyKat and DynomitedAsh
10Imperfect Love
A collection of painful and mysterious love poems.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 11-07-12 - Founder: cupidgirl xx
11Live, Laugh, Love
good, simple &complicated, poetry about Living Life to the fullest. Laughing your heart out. & Loving like there's no tomorrow...
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 10-22-06 - Founder: Melissa O'Day
When it's all for the one you love...
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 07-10-08 - Founder: Avali-San
3Pretty Poems
Beautiful and unique poetry - includes the lovely ones that make you want to melt into a puddle of goo after you read them, and beautiful yet tragic ones. Looking for poems like that? Then this C2 is for you.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 08-14-09 - Founder: Aurora Corona
1For All The Broken Hearts
Here are some of the best poems portraying heartbreak and loss. If you have a poem to add, PM Missing Them.
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 07-01-10 - Founder: Forever-Broken Melody
3Goodbye Love
Poems about saying goodbye, lost love, breakups, heartbreak...
English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 10-29-06 - Founder: Left On The Shelf
59lovehate poems
love poems, and love that turns into hate poems
English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 0 - Since: 08-24-07 - Founder: whispered something profound