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T, English, Poetry & Family, words: 144, 1/31
2The Book That Began It All by Dax Bordas A prose poem paying homage to my father.
K, English, Poetry, words: 361, favs: 1, 1/24
1 Presence in Absence by DragonballAP A poem about estrangement.
K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 87, 1/16
1Broken by Princess Regia Al A reflection on toxic parents
K+, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 131, 1/10
Dirge for Cookies Devoured by WJosephusW An Ode to Cookie Monster.
K+, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 48, 1/9
Lemon Zone nursery rhymes » by mary.okeeffe.16 Have your little one sing and dance to my Lemon Zone nursery rhymes, with twenty-four fulfilled songs to pick out, there's no way they'll be bland again.
K, English, Fantasy & Poetry, chapters: 2, words: 187, 1/4
Open your Doors to Him by SparksInTheNight A Christmas carol I wrote
K, English, Spiritual & Angst, words: 249, follows: 1, 12/16/2024
My Memoirs & Informative Writings » by DogDrawler Short accounts that describe my life and informational writings that offer wisdom.
K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 12, words: 9k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 11/24/2024 published: 5/6/2018
Carolinian Son by WJosephusW A poem to my estranged sibling, currently living by choice in some bright city far away. Quite a personal work.
T, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 200, 9/8/2024
Gender Dysphoria by WayRoad A poem dedicated to my friend Sabrina who is transgender.
K+, English, Family & Friendship, words: 2, 9/6/2024
Hiding by Cameron Pedersen A friend recently loss her mother, and now is lost herself in an obsession of collecting things that reminder her of mother.
K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Tragedy, words: 11, 9/3/2024
Family is by Cameron Pedersen Some thoughts on family and what they mean to me
K, English, Family, words: 47, 8/30/2024
Mother's Heart by Cameron Pedersen Some thoughts about mother and how she is the nucleus of the family
K, English, Poetry & Family, words: 105, 8/22/2024
2 Familial Memoir by Aquilla239 A poem about a family member that I dearly missed
K+, English, Poetry, words: 180, 7/26/2024
O Crux Mei by WayRoad A poem about having no one. - De non familia habere.
K, Latin, words: 32, 7/25/2024
July 13th, 2008-July 13th, 2024 by Nancy Mae RIP.
T, English, words: 441, 7/14/2024
Richard by Cryptic Paw A reflection in the moment of a dying grandfather.
K+, English, Poetry & Hurt/Comfort, words: 432, 6/8/2024
1 Progéniture by Bonvoilac'estfait Deux parents s'adressent à leur enfant à naître pour lui faire part de leur projet parental. La famille nucléaire est décidément une formidable manière d'organiser la société.
K, French, Poetry & Family, words: 230, 5/13/2024
Waiting by Nancy Mae She's lost all the others and sometimes worries she will lose him too.
T, English, words: 108, 4/28/2024
In Loving Memory by fubarie In memorandum.
K, English, words: 694, 3/5/2024
2 My Sister by Cryptic Paw A poem about missing and being separated from a cherished pet when leaving for college.
K, English, Poetry & Friendship, words: 927, 1/27/2024
1 The Truth is I wanted This All Along by HannaThing so that'd I'd have an excuse
K+, English, Family & Poetry, words: 77, 1/15/2024
I'm sorry I can't love you by Amoridere A mother who cannot love her children expresses her remorse.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Tragedy, words: 141, 12/21/2023
389 Weeks Gestation by NurseNicole This has been a long time coming.
K, English, Family & Poetry, words: 65, favs: 1, 11/2/2023
1 Roses by Clara E. Taylor God can raise our children much better than we or our culture can. All we have to do is give them to Him to raise through us.
K, English, Spiritual & Family, words: 169, follows: 1, 10/28/2023
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