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1  Poetry » Politics
The Greatest Thing Man Has Ever Done by WJosephusW A Poetic take on the American story... Our great Nation's past, present and her future.
T, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 497, 8/31
Politics 101 by HenryJamesMurdock Modern politics 101: How to understand the silent rules to which politicians abide?
K+, English, words: 234, 8/17
On Binaries by RottenTangerine A poem on how certain online circles aren't quite as free from forced norms and gross implications as they think they are. Double standards on gender just hurt everyone.
K+, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 220, 6/19
To Conform Or Not by RottenTangerine A poem on the double standards many modern social justice circles use on gender conformity between men and women, and how destructive it is to praise one but not the other.
K+, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 188, 5/26
1 A Murderous Zionist by JOHN PHOENIX ACE POET There's a vicious Zionist running around and their name is Kage No Neko! Free-verse. JPITBOCAIBTKT!
K, English, Drama, words: 312, favs: 7, follows: 7, 3/18
6 Those Who Assume by Kage no Neko People will assign ideas about you based on what you say on the internet.
K, English, words: 138, 2/25
4 First Amendment by Kage no Neko This reflect on all parts of the First Amendment. Laments about both sides being unable to understand the First Amendment.
K, English, words: 134, 2/25
Lost in Plastic by Ange Amour This poem is my feelings towards the whole Eugenia Cooney thing and some YouTuber known as Amberlyn Reid.
K, English, words: 532, 12/20/2023
The Last March by Amoridere History has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
T, English, Horror & Crime, words: 184, 11/30/2023
Row, row by TheSilverMirror Watched a bunch of youtube videos and couldn't get to sleep. Wound up with this song in my head, played around with the words a bit, and then I got this.
K+, English, Poetry, words: 62, 9/14/2023
Inglovian Pun-Imperial Propaganda Part 2 by outcastedostracizepeakprime "Whether what kink are you into... Provided Inglovia. You work as a philanthropist? Heal people in Inglovia. Are you an intellectual individual? Share to Inglovia. Mercantile or investor? Relax, move through Inglovia. Don't have a visa? Don't worry, just visit and seek for an aid in Inglovia."
K, English, words: 3, 8/17/2023
1 A Prisoner's Poem by WJosephusW A poem about a prisoner having a spiritual experience, which leads him to repent and be saved, while locked away in solitary confinement.
K+, English, Spiritual & Drama, words: 188, 8/16/2023
written in blood by Amoridere A poem born of despaired musings.
T, English, Angst & Horror, words: 151, favs: 1, 5/25/2023
Vagabond by Ange Amour *
K, English, words: 372, 4/24/2023
Dystopian World by Ange Amour *
K, English, words: 513, 4/24/2023
A Stitch in too much Time by agrader people with soul destroying medical conditions face outrageous out of pocket surgery costs and lengthy waiting times for hospital, even with private health cover.
T, English, Angst & Tragedy, words: 442, 4/7/2023
This Little Piggy went to Darkness by agrader a political poem, about police racism and harassment and bullying of the innocent.
T, English, Crime, words: 723, 4/7/2023
An Ode to Emperor Meiji by TheSultansScribe An ode to the man who steered Japan into modernity during the late 19th century, with all the bells and whistles of machine guns, steam engines and telegraph wires sweeping the nation into the Japanese Empire! And yet, it also celebrates a sense of continuity over time, as the wisdom of the past guides a nation's course in the present, and will sail it through murky future waters.
K+, English, Poetry, words: 593, 12/10/2022
Straight And Narrow by iChaotica Follow.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 126, 11/5/2022
The Old Beekeeper Burns His New Beehive by iChaotica Nothing ever changes.
T, English, Drama, words: 231, 11/5/2022
A Poem of Progress by iChaotica Look how far we've come.
T, English, Drama, words: 118, 11/3/2022
1Those Who Hope by TheSilverMirror social commentary on post-post modern times
K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 43, 10/11/2022
Both sides suck! by Amoridere I don't often write political poems but Election day is coming so here's a candid one about the subject of Election Day and voting.
T, English, Humor, words: 307, 10/4/2022
Plague Refugees by Amoridere As the war begins and with so little options as a country collapses, several opt to flee the incoming carnage.
T, English, Drama & Horror, words: 174, 9/11/2022
The Battle of Charlottesville by WJosephusW A People's Poem of mine that relates the three-day story of the Charlottesville riots of August 2017. I wrote this piece at a time in life when I was slightly misled, to say the very least. The work reflects as such; still: all Poetry is Poetry, just as all Art is Worthy. It is a product of the division of it's Time.
T, English, Poetry & Angst, words: 420, 8/12/2022
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