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2Molten Gold by FadedDaystar Won't you go to hell for me?
T, English, Poetry & Horror, words: 99, favs: 2, 1/16
1 Lepanto by WJosephusW A brief epic about the maritime victory of the Papal States at Lepanto in 1571.
T, English, Poetry & Tragedy, words: 258, favs: 1, 1/8
A Witch! by NightshadeLemonade I wrote this poem/song in thoughts of recent events in my life regarding my birth mother. Plan and simple; blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb. I live and breathe by that saying.
T, English, Family & Poetry, words: 327, 12/29/2024
1 The Harrowing of Hell by WJosephusW A narrative, poetic account of the Biblical and Catholic Traditional concept of Christ's Harrowing of Hell, or his descent into Sheol to free the virtuous from before the Crucifixion and bring them into His Kingdom.
T, English, Supernatural & Poetry, words: 401, 12/1/2024
1 Clarity by Embitterment With nowhere to run, I fall on my knees and see- You have never (nor shall you ever) left me.
T, English, Spiritual & Hurt/Comfort, words: 202, favs: 1, follows: 1, 11/2/2024
THE BIBLE by pebebe September 25, 2020 THE SACERD TEXT
T, English, Spiritual & Poetry, words: 750, 9/17/2024
A Prayer for the Motherland by WJosephusW A pained, Geopolitical and Spiritual Poem of Lamentation for my ancestral homeland's current predicament, and my own Country's heavy part in her martial harrowing. Slava Ruski!
T, English, Poetry & Hurt/Comfort, words: 258, favs: 1, 8/31/2024
The Life of an Unwoman by CastingPearls A bitter poem with a sweet promise.
K, English, Spiritual & Angst, words: 256, 7/1/2024
The Rabbi by Norwalk A new rabbi with a positive attitude does good deeds in the community.
K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 51, 5/4/2024
God's Majestic by Queen of Spiritual Just another poem I wrote.
K, English, Spiritual & Poetry, words: 91, 3/23/2024
Joy From My Heart by Queen of Spiritual Just another poem I wrote.
K, English, Spiritual & Poetry, words: 125, 3/23/2024
3 Universal Sign by Cryptic Paw The universe might speak to us if we only listen...
K+, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 199, 2/21/2024
3 Heaven, Are You There? by Embitterment What is left for me to feel? Sorrow has filled my heart cold. I await the snatching wire around my neck. One-Shot.
T, English, words: 366, 1/20/2024
Amazing Power by Ellen McClintock A poem about God's amazing power.
K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 48, 1/17/2024
Light Vs Dark by Ellen McClintock The contrast between light and dark, as well as Heaven and Hell.
K, English, Drama & Spiritual, words: 115, 1/15/2024
The Protector by Queen of Spiritual Something that I wrote from a coloring book and hope you enjoy.
K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 363, 1/9/2024
The Right Path by Queen of Spiritual Wrote this in a coloring book and something told me to write it. Hope you enjoy.
K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 602, 1/9/2024
Love Your Enemies by BrokenKestral I've met my enemies, and I love them - and I think it's killing me.
T, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 403, 12/3/2023
Negligence by The Reverse Edge Blade My first piece in many years. It feels good to be back. Enjoy!
T, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 19, 11/22/2023
1 The Christmas Truce by WJosephusW A Spiritual Narrative Poem about the Christmas Day and Eve ceasefire of 1914, during the height of World War I along the Western Front. I draw from the Book of Job and Machiavelli's "The Prince", for inspiration. I hope you all enjoy reading this.
T, English, Poetry & Supernatural, words: 592, 9/12/2023
Fields of Gold by WayRoad One poem inspired by Autumn and the season it brings.
K+, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 221, 9/9/2023
The CO by WJosephusW A poem about a prisoner's forgiveness and understanding of his captors.
K+, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 111, 8/16/2023
The Answer by WJosephusW A spiritual poem about the gift and meaning of life. I did my best and gave my all to write it beautifully enough to honor the creativity granted to me by God.
K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 79, 8/16/2023
Dross and Gold by BrokenKestral "Yet I sin" - "who will rescue me from this body of death?"
K, English, Spiritual & Poetry, words: 156, 5/27/2023
The Runes by Le1kr Poems about my interpretations of the Norse runes.
T, English, Spiritual & Poetry, words: 162, 3/23/2023
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