Just In
for A Heaven of Hell

2/27/2015 c2 Drakes
(I can't be bothered to log in; I'm pretty sure I've lost my fp password and am too lazy to reset it; anyway, you might remember me and then you know how to contact me.)

Wonderful story. Wonderful writing. Wonderful believable protagonist. Also, judging from the first 2 chapters, you write very well about looney bins. They are both Heaven and Hell at once, 'tis true. I'll read on as soon as I have time.
11/17/2013 c1 Wickedforlife
Gorgeous, i love it
1/31/2010 c6 2Isamara
I really like what you have so far. Nice dialog, but you have a habit - I do as well, it's irritating - where you don't describe, you just let the dialog flow. That describes for you, instead of you. It is very difficult, but my suggestion is to try and describe more, don't just talk. Use those boring metaphors, similes and the other one I can't remember the name of.

Keep writing! Don't give up; you've got some nice work so far.
4/9/2007 c4 20HannahMarieWillow
Interesting, what I've read so far. My gosh, some of the detail is excellent.
1/5/2007 c6 7Wickedsix
This is so intriguing, I'm liking it a lot so far! Please continue with it
9/16/2006 c3 blueberrysundae
Love this so far. It's really interesting.
8/10/2006 c1 1Under the Stars
I read one chapter. One chapter, and I was sold. Your writing is so whimsical. I love it. I'm favouriting. It's that simple.
8/5/2006 c6 zoule
I really enjoy this story. It's creative, well written, and quite original (although some elements remind me of L.J.Smith's Dark Power Trilogy-which I highly recommend (teenagers with psychic abilities are sent to a "school" where the owner experiments on them)
4/20/2006 c1 teacupshindig
Before I read on, I wanted to comment on the first chapter. I really liked it, I'm hooked. I already love this girl, I hope my kids are like that when I grow up. If someone I knew quoted Shakespere angrily at a guy, I'd hug them, give em a cookie.
4/12/2006 c6 1Sycogerl64
Ahh, there's nothing like getting into a good read and knowing it's going somewhere good. It gives you something to look forward too doesn't it? This story is kind of like that, it just keeps giving you something to look forward to with every chapter and you keep coming back getting caught up in it again.

I loved Will in this chapter, I can't put my finger on why, expect maybe the strange...otherworldlyness to him. The kind of vibe you get off something that's bigger than the words are telling, like he's got something about him that's somehow more. Neh. I guess I just like Irish accents.

Loverly reading. Hope to read more again soon. If you ever get that soundtrack together let me know, I' sure I'll love anything that came from the mind that conjered this story.
3/2/2006 c1 5The Green Crow
"My parents were almost as childish as I was." hmm. You might want to put 'almost as childish as I had been' or something. Here it's almost like your saying that she thinks she's childish. Also, your link at the top to your email isn't a link. I think Fictionpress doesn't like html.

This is a really good start, and this story is looking really good so far. The Bloatedfish part is funny.

Keep writing!
1/27/2006 c2 4naxa
oh. my. god. you write beautifully! why hasn't this been picked up by a publisher yet? please, for my sake and the rest of the world's, write! write more! write every day! write like this and you will go places, i promise!
1/3/2006 c5 10Broseph115
using remote-controlled monkeys and murderous carrots...lol thats pretty freakin funny haha. Actually, I am really just loving this story, this is going to go on my favorite stories list, its starting to get incredibly interesting, cant wait to read all of it!
1/2/2006 c3 Broseph115
Wow, this is just plain good. It's a very well written story and its captivating. By the way, sorry its been a while since my last review, but in a lapse of laziness I took kind of a hiatus from Fictionpress altogether.
11/24/2005 c2 Broseph115
I love the way you describe things. Quite frankly, I also love how well read you are, that really is awesome. I find this new roomate interesting, I kind of wonder if shes just kind of crazy, hehe. Bah, we'll see I guess. ~Jose!
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