Just In
for Rubbing Skin Raw

8/30/2010 c10 5Russle
o Nuu... Dun kill him. Klaud will cry!
7/26/2010 c10 HeartStealingSixx
Oh good god! You have to write more, I don't think I'll be able to live with myself not knowing what happens next.
1/3/2010 c10 2FemoralGlyph
-le gasp- OH NOES!D’: The bebe died be’fo he gots thar! –flail- (-taking what Layla wrote as the gospel truth-) Damn you realism! –shakes fist- Damn you to HECK!

I gotta say that at the beginning I wasn’t too impressed with the whole first person thingy, but when I pick a story to review I make sure to stick with it (to be fair to the writer I suppose, I’ve got this sense of responsibility). In any case I sort of forgot the switching speakers and first person bit and simply followed the story as it went about its way…My god!;3; I’m so glad that I force myself to read all these stories where the beginning was a little awkward (because knowing my lazy ass, I would have dropped it straight away)! –wiggle- BTW, this is in no way a sticky poke poke poking your kidneys to make ya feel bad or anything, I’m just really happy that I decided to keep reading is all!^^-

-tears- I just love all of the pain and corrupt stuff in this! The arms thingy, the love-bits, the suicide? My heart was throbbing for poor little Tro-bebe the whole time and I just wanted to give him a big huggle! –bits lip- OOuuh! Even though you didn’t seem to like the ending bit very much, I thought that it was lovely! Fantastical! AMAZING! Ouh! Just the right amount of lingering feelings and edginess, the slight suspence where Tro-bebe throws the mic and you think that he won’t really jump, the thought in your head all throughout it where you’re absolutely sure that Tro-bebe will finally be loved by that bastard…what was his name? Dicki, I think? –frowny face- In any case- Loved it, loved it, loved it! –flail-

-waves crayoned all access pass- Lookie here! I’ve got one of those thingy ma’ jiggies! Lotsa special panda-action thingys for me, yes? No? –sigh- I knew that I should get it laminated…

I like how this story deviates a little from the cliché yaoi that’s already out there (that’s a big thing for me) through the rejection and death of little Tro-bebe!;3; But it was still so sad! AND I LOVED IT! –cling- I adore your cruel cruel mind! –cuddle-

Okie, well I think that this review is ovah…-wiggle- I really enjoyed reading this and I’ll give lil Talentless a peek on your request, after all, I’m gonna need some new things to review after this!^^- (-going on a reviewing spree-) I do hope that my review helped ya become a better writer and all that!;D JK, it’s just fun to throw out a little love at people, I wasn’t going to get a philosophical on your ass!XD;; TTYL! –heartcling-


10/2/2009 c9 1Dillllllllllon
Hey there!

So I just finished this story, and it's absolutely fantastic. I was in tears at the end! I'm so sorry that I found it late, but I'm so happy that I got the chance to read through it.



9/28/2009 c8 Journey

Good chapter. Great chapter. all chapters are great
9/26/2009 c1 Journey
Alright...so, Author

I love you. Keep posting more. Sequel after sequel after sequel, I am addicted to you.

I give you praise.
1/8/2009 c2 2FaithStarLight
Cleverly written chapter :D I'm enjoying your story!
1/8/2009 c1 FaithStarLight
Nice beginning, I'm going to keep reading :D
12/2/2006 c9 lost paradise
I must say that the last couple of chapters really touched me because I can relate to how he felt at the end. It was really sad and unfortunately I'm sure that somewhere out there that this is someone's real life story. You did a great job and I hope to see more works from you.
12/2/2006 c6 lost paradise
I must admit that I was expecting to read something more about chris in this chapter. The suspense is killing me. Well, time to read on
12/2/2006 c1 lost paradise
I must say that the begining of this chapter was a very nice touch of surprise. I like it a lot, it shows such creativity that sometimes become lost when a person tries too hard to create something. I'm very interested in reading the rest of this story.
10/31/2006 c2 5paputsza
Darling, Sweetheart, Love divine,

You have wonderful, psychotic characters! all the time. And I LOVE IT!


paputsza aka virginymph
10/31/2006 c1 paputsza
Did you get the name Ricki Martinez from the top of your head? Did it just seem like a "real" name, as in a name that sounds right but unique? Cuz there's a ricki martin too. Latin pop sensation actually. I wonder if i could get away with britany spear or Bob Marlei
7/18/2006 c4 Jay
Interesting plots you got here, I really like them. Be careful how you describe things though, sometimes it comes off a little half-arsed.

Just an example:"He pulled himself up on his own, unwilling to look like even more of a girl than he thought he did already."

That's one of the most overused ideas in slash fiction; gay guy being afraid of looking like a girl. Plus, this sentence implies that females can't do something as simple as stand up by themselves. Girls aren't helpless weaklings, that's just an inacurate stereotype, so the description doesn't really make sense.

I found it kind of amusing that the dudes name is Ricki Martinez (makes me think of Ricky Martin) and then there's talk of Marylin Manson, hahaha. Those two don't belong together. :P
3/16/2006 c10 8Zeva
I love it too. ^_^ Tad short, but still uber good. Now I'm off to the next bit. Fabulousness times like, 186483427374297. Squared. Yeah.
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