Just In
for The Homestar Runner's Pom Vacation

1/29/2003 c8 Queenbean3
Yay! I'm so glad somebody's written a Homestar Runner story! I love that site!

As for your story, good job on getting everybody's personalities right. I sure hope Homestar and Bubs aren't really dead. And how come Coach Z didn't come along? Write more!
1/19/2003 c8 me
lol, i like it, keep writing more
1/18/2003 c8 8Posi
Heylo! Hey, look Alira! Someone ELSE read my story! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ;-`
1/17/2003 c8 the molecular lady
wicked awesome! i love homestarrunner.com! my favorite site! i go there everyweek to check out the new strongbad emails! hehe. the dragon one was wicked rad! bye! write more!
11/3/2002 c5 21Lira-chan
I've got nothing to say. Love me. Platonically. 'Cause I luv ya mary! *cackles*

~_^ Alira (YES! I literally meant screw the parenthesis. Im in a weird mood. Now; DO IT!)
11/3/2002 c4 Lira-chan
Loveliness, wat can i say? STILL posi-ish

~_^ Alira (i meant it. Literally)
11/3/2002 c3 Lira-chan
this is definitely too much to review. Stupid individual scenes. Cause I dun have anything new to say. Still entirely posi-ish, cute n all. Gotta love it

~_^ Alira (screw parenthesis)
11/3/2002 c2 Lira-chan
Yup, just like when you read it to me on the phone!^^ Cute, and definitely weird... o_O Wat can I say?

~_^ Alira (who shall always luv ya all platonically. 'Specially if u review my stories)
11/3/2002 c1 Lira-chan
OK, mary, Imma gonna read it. And to make you look special, Im even reviewing the intro, although I know nothing about the story except what you've told me. Ya gotta love it. Platonically. And no one other than you is likely to read this review!^^

~_^ Alira (the platonic lover

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