Just In
for Severed Links of the Mind

7/15/2005 c1 Ether Boy
i understand this perfectly, this kicks ass of anything i wrote on bullying. tis just simply beautiful.
5/14/2004 c1 5Fiery love
That was pretty. You can write poetry. Write more, or perhaps longen one into a story. Just a suggestion. Very beautiful. It spoke so truthfully.
1/12/2004 c1 3Eternal Savior
another wonderful job if I do say so myself! I suck at poetry un-like you. These drama types are my favorites though for some reason.
1/20/2003 c1 maz17
wooaw.. it's amazing that you can surpress your feelings so good with this poem...

love mystic
12/11/2002 c1 4axania chic
this is really deep my thoughts as well its really good how u put all these thoughts down i loved it probs coz i could connect with it tho


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