Just In
for Crazy Daze

5/21/2010 c4 dipintheriverstyx


11/27/2004 c4 10A Different Kind of Yellow
You finally updated! YAY! I love your story so much (and i really mean it)! Chace sounds nice and Maddy seems like a girl who can get on with all types of people. you have to get her wearing something less preppy...make her stand out lol please updat SOON *hint HINT* check out my stories plz cheers!
11/26/2004 c4 2Dream Fox
Really cute!
11/26/2004 c4 The Killer Is Me
Wow. This turned out to be much better than I originally though. Eh, I'm a pessismist. I love your characters. They're not just the usual undeveloped characters. You actually go into detail with them. Nice.
11/26/2004 c4 Kaiyu Onibaba
Aww! That was so cute! lol. No, but seriously, I'm glad Aaron is finally warming up to Maddy... poor girl, she really needs him! Anyway, great chapter and update soon! (I'm so demanding... ;D)
9/6/2004 c2 lynn
Hey, I love your story its different from anything I've ever read.I also enjoy the different personalities that all your characters seem to have. Especially Pete and Jason.I really hope Madeline sticks up for herself and tell those preps off.Oh,and I think Madeline and chase,Geacie and Aaron would make cute couples.But hey its your story.Hope you update rally really really soon.
9/5/2004 c3 Dream Fox
Aw, it's so sweet! Usually I'm not into fluffy straight stories like this, but this seems like a good one. I live in California, so I relate to this on some level.
9/5/2004 c3 Kaiyu Onibaba
Hehe, this was a very interesting chapter! Update soon! ;P
6/30/2004 c2 Kaiyu Onibaba
Interesting! I like the characters and the story is well written. When are you going to update? :D
1/7/2004 c2 10A Different Kind of Yellow
o please continue soon i really love ur story so far. maybe madeline cud wow every1 with her dancing, can she still dance? can she read lips or duz she have to have the hearing aid at all times? soz just a little curios. please continue as soon as u can!
1/7/2004 c2 JuLie
i like the beginning so far write more soon
11/27/2003 c1 Jen
Nice, nice, NICE fic. I'd love to see more so update soon :-).
3/5/2003 c1 xxkiss me deadlyxx
i like it so far.
12/1/2002 c1 13Virtex
That was really good! You portray your characters very realistically and give them very realistic dialogue, too. Keep writing.
11/30/2002 c1 Anna Vashdalal
Very good so far. But I can't see why Madelaine would want to be friends with those mean girls. Oh my god, i know people who would laugh when some prro guy got dumped like that too.
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