Just In
for My Paper Heart

11/23/2005 c2 jacia
i really like the setting. how do yo pronounce her name? well anyway i really like her character its so original!
7/2/2005 c18 4DeliciousAmbiguity
Noo..IT'S OVER? You should most definitely make a sequel! Great job on this!
4/21/2005 c12 Mindy

This is reall cute, and even though there are a few grammer errors, it's not enough to ruin the plot.

...even if it is cliche. =P
4/20/2005 c6 Mindy
does Lucky go to their school?

is anna her nickname?

i'm confused.
1/3/2005 c19 8bemused scribbler
i LOVED your story! it was so sweet, and the drama was great! haha. you're characters had so much...character. haha. they were really great. i want a sequal! nah you're right this story is its own story and it was really good. i loved reading it. i would have reviewed on every chapter, but then it would have taken longer to read! well, im off to read your other work. great job!-silent rain
12/2/2004 c19 sucker4romance
ah i need a sequal!i loved that story it...rocked like whoa. just wow it was fabluous! it made me cry cuz it reminded me of wehn middle school ended and i had to say goodbye to all my friends cuz dey werent going to my bleh catholic skool. please put a da sequel soon! byee
9/16/2004 c19 sieg45
good story... but why did u end it lol... it's ok... just leaving ur poor readers at a cliched line lol
6/22/2004 c19 azcourtney
hey i really liked your story. To bad you aren't going to write a sequl. Just remeber it would probably be something people would want to read! I know i would.hehe. maybe you could re-consider it maybe? But you know whats best! Keep on writing!
5/29/2004 c19 4StarCounter
I read this story so long ago, and then lost track of it. But I loved it. For a high school romance, it's damn good. I'll add onto this review once I remember what I wanted to say, but until then, know that it was a fun read. *thumbs up*
-Erin ^_^
4/20/2004 c19 2ooies
Of course I'll review your other story but the thing is I'm not really sure which story your talking about but I'll review the latest updated one!
3/14/2004 c18 3Miss Meticulous
This is an amazing story... and the end is touching if not slightly bittersweet. Very good, and realistic ending. You have a talent for writing...and I would enjoy reading more of your stuff.
2/6/2004 c18 7barely broken
That was a great story. I cried! Oh my god I cried! Haha, yes, it was very good. You write well, I wish I could write as good as you.. but with some practice hopefully i'll get there. Waiting for a sequel.. and hoping it'll be as good as (or better than) this one. You put a lot of emotion in this story, and it was really easy to relate to. No complaints at all. Keep writing!
2/5/2004 c18 8InsaneOleander
*sniffle* That's such a sad ending...I almost started crying when she started to leave...but when she was saying bye to Keeley, it reminded me of my friend who moved away and then I started crying... evil story...jkjk...I like your ending a lot! It's like..sad...and yet it's happy...because you know they're seeing each other again later...yay! great story! ^^
1/29/2004 c2 3diphenhydraminea
u seem like a pretty cool person, on with the kill... can i go and kill someone with you? lol
1/28/2004 c19 sillken silver berries
that's IT? you're ending it? you CAN'T! CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T!
breathe...calm...feel the air in your lungs...breathe...and exhale...
okay, i think i'm okay now
good grief. yes, i suppose that was a decent ending, kinda left me hanging though. i mean, i can see how it was actually i very good place to end it, but how depressing is that? i was all excited because one of my favourite stories had another update, and it was just a note telling me that the last chapter was just that, the last chapter. oivay.
nice ending btw. i suppose that's something i should say. cuz i actually liked it, now that i've had time to think about it and whatnot.
anyway (oi, that again, i'm far too repetitive), so i will look in on your other story (the new one), i promise, and we'll see if we like. (who's we? i'm confuzed...my brain is taking over...wait a minute, if that's my brain talking...then why is there a 'we'? oh i don't know...obviously my brain is a completely separate part from the rest of my body. it runs on its own terms. good grief, i'm getting WAY too into this...bye brackets!) ahh..much better
yes, i'm a freak.
this is the conclusion that my sister and i have come to.
don't you agree?
yay! there's someone out there, aside from my mother, who is obligated to love and encourage me, who does not think i'm a freak.
mind you...
no, you still don't think i'm a freak, and that's that.
that's all there is to it.
shut up, brain!
ANYWAY...so i'm going, before this stupid thing gets any longer.
good work in this story, i really loved it! it was an awesome fic! bye bye aeralie! and lucky, and ryan, and keeley, and all the cool boys that i missed...i love you all! i will miss your humour! *hug* loves,
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