Just In
for You, Me, Us

7/24/2003 c1 10Eladriewen
Hey great poem. Sorry I realized I was yelling at the wrong person about two reviews ago. I have a friend with a pen name very similar to yours and I was just kind of confused...(you can tell she hasn't talked to me in a while) LOL! Now you probably know why. Please, call me an idiot and I'll now leave you alone!
7/2/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
That was beautiful work.

~Heart of the Sword
1/14/2003 c1 Lil Loki Puck NSI
Oh! I love this! All the contrasts... *Grins* Nice job!

Also, thankies for your review of "Random Collection of LOTR poems". I was wondering... which website was it where you found "Elven Eyes" posted? I haven't given anyone permission to post it on their site... could you please try and find the address for me? Thanks so much!

-Lil Loki Puck
1/6/2003 c1 51indigo symphony
Powerful work, as usual. I love it. I can't sum up all that I want to say about it in the short time that I have before I get booted off the internet, but in a few words, the depth and contrast of your work are amazing.

~ Midnight Corruption (a.k.a. J-catcher4164, a.k.a. Jewelcatcher)
12/19/2002 c1 60dollface and her cancer
Well, if a writer/poet is as good as her critiques, than you're in good shape, Ele! I love the poem, but then, I like all your stuff, so what do I know? Nice work!

- the writer formerly known as Faded Enigma,

12/19/2002 c1 18ni-ru
Personally I like it because I can relate to it. The main point of your poem clearly is that people are people, which is brought out by the poem's title "You, Me Us"...the "Us" emphasising a feeling of togetherness in one body i.e. the human race :P I come from a country where bigotry is second nature to most people (N.Ireland) and I think this poem is great ^_~ nice work!

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