Just In
for Fallen

10/21/2003 c24 10Cinaed Born Of Fire
Yay! *huggles everyone* Thank goodness that you're one for happy endings. ^_^ T'would have been awful if you weren't...

... *shifty eyes* ...

Jalen and Yahto should get together if you write a third story, since Jalen was kick-ass after he stopped hitting on Ilo, and, well, I 'heart' Yahto because I always fall for the troubled ones...

... *innocent look* ...

*cough* Yeah, anyway, it was a good chapter, even if you said it was hard to write. ^_^ I loved this story, naturally, and I'll be waiting hopefully for another story for this universe. Keep writing! You're marvelous. ^_~

10/20/2003 c1 7Rockerchickie
this is a good stroy! i loveit!
10/20/2003 c24 16ola
hee hee, loved the end. although sad that it HAS ended. =(

monday noon, and i'm home, hapilly drugged =) (don't get me wrong. i had my wisdom teeth pulled out and am now indulging in fanfiction while the wuzziness dizappears =)so i'm really happy i get to read your fic now! yay!

yes, please DO write something else soon! preferably with most of the characters coming back, althought anything would be great, really.

this had been a wonderful story. thank you so much for sharing it with us! *waves and tries to grin* =)
10/20/2003 c24 5Seirvitas
once again I find myself reading your story when I SHOULD be sleeping. Have I told you lately that I've had a link for you at the top of my dev account for a long time? WELL I DO! Anyway BEAUTIFUL CHAPTER! You have me grinning like an otaku in a room full of mangaka giving out free art. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HUN! I vote for an other story definitely definitely yes yes yes! This also means I can finally bring myself to go read eadoin. I think I might have ta print that one out. YES I think the next story should definitely include jalen and yhato *grins*, well um, TOGETHER! BOOYAH! So yeah like that is gonna happen ne? But that lil brush against each other, their little bit of understanding, it would be so cute! Um yeah wonderful storytelling and descriptions. And one last thing before I offt myself to bed. I FINISHED chapter 1 of seekers, but uh I still need to type it. Just thought I'd let you know. NIGHT NIGHT HUN AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER EVER KNOW!


*oh and I ish giddy cuz there was also an update on the misntrel boy which I will read tomorrow*
10/20/2003 c8 1Kaishiou
oh, what a wonderful twist of tale. Love it love it!

P.S Can't believe you have finished writing the last chapter. And here I am, still on Chapter 8. lol
10/19/2003 c24 FickleFemale
I am so glad that it was a happy ending.

Thank you for a wonderful story, and I will be looking forward to another story :-)
10/19/2003 c24 8AikoShrek
Oh, how simply marvelous! ::cries:: It can't be over!

Seriously, it doesn't feel over...

Congrats on another absolutely wonderful and emotional story. Please continue writing and I'll be checking in on your progress. Talk to you soon! :D
10/19/2003 c24 9r.mai
yAY! and ya know... since ilo and asha is such a popular couple.. maybe, yo know... *hint hint nudge nudge* ^_^ It was a sweet ending. ^_^ hope you write more soon. bye bye! ^^
10/19/2003 c24 8TDL
O how absolutely splendid! I loved it! Everything's so happy now! Yay! hehehe, I'm kinda in a giggley mood, and this just made my day. I loved it so much! Truly amazing and awe inspiring work. I mean it. You should definately publish these stories, this one especially, because they're just so damned incredible! =D

O.o More stories along these lines sounds VERY appealing. hehehe. Well, good luck with any further literary endevours. I'd love to read them. (of course school's a real pain at the moment, but I'll still manage to make room for your work. hehe)

~Tabitha, The Mad Hatter
10/19/2003 c24 19NotEnough
Aww man, it's finished. I hope you DO write another fic in this universe. Too good to give up...

Brilliant as always. Glad eevryone was happy. Well, as happy as they could be.
10/16/2003 c7 1Kaishiou
*sob* still as beautiful as ever *faint*
10/15/2003 c6 Kaishiou
*sob sob* somebody give Edana a Oscar, or is it Nobel? *Confused*

i love the way you manipulated words to your liking and make your story come alive. No, no this is not some mindless compliment. I meant this, every word. To be able to write like you, will be a god-given gift. Cherish it and never stop writing. You, for once, can truely touch peole in their hearts.*idolises*

P.S Yes, my exams are over and I just posted Chapter 5 (Shattered Dreams) on. Nothing much though, just more angst 0_0".
10/13/2003 c6 Kara
How do you do it? I am totally blown away by this story. It's amazing and leaves me captured for hours. I even print some and read it when I'm not at home. It's so great. The ending's going to be good. I know it! ^_^
10/8/2003 c23 16ola
what? only one more chapter? no! please make a sequel then! please please please! so sad... and so beautiful!

please post the next one soon!
10/7/2003 c23 5Seirvitas
*sobs* Its almost over? I'm so sad. I actually cried and didn't even know why @.o I was worried about Alex and actually thought he might die. Sorry, I'm not sure I trust your muses all that much to keep characters I love alive. Anyway really really dying in anticipation for the next chapter and yet undenyably sad because I don't want to say goodbye to them. You do realize this means I'll move on to eadoin soon right? Anyway masterful story telling!

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