Just In
for Mythicasters

7/1/2003 c6 18Toxic Shadow
ALLOS! Sorry it's takin me so long to review but I has been verily much busy, that I have! THIS STORY IS AWESOME! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? I NEED TO KNOW! PLZ UPDATE SOON! I EXPECT AN UPDATE WHEN I GET BACK FROM MY TRIP! (i'll be in Australia/New Zealand from 7/6-7/27) Love your story and keep up the good work!

~Lady Zaiga the Mistress of Chaos (formerly Lady Kurai)~
2/21/2003 c1 Mr. Go
Great start Black Star I'm anxious to see what happens next.
1/30/2003 c5 Toxic Shadow
Kurai: OOH! I like it! Great fun! Kadie rocks! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA! THE PUSHY FEMALES SHALL RULE THE WORLD! *more evil laughter*

Zi: *WHAM! With metal spatula* 'Scuse her. All her stress is making her more insane than normal. Love it. Plz update soon and chapter 6 of Heart of A Demon is up! Plz R&R!
1/19/2003 c4 Toxic Shadow
OOH! GOOD! I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG TO REVIEW! I check my favs list every day to see who updated but I just got back from vaca or I woulda reivewed sooner! Lovin it...Why's the horsie have ta be evil? WAA! (Zi: She loves horses)

Oh well! I love it! Update soon! *pulls out large, shiny frying pan*
12/26/2002 c3 Toxic Shadow
*Squeals* Black Star! I love it! Update soon! PLZ check out my fics too! I just updated 3 of em!
12/22/2002 c2 Toxic Shadow
Hola! I love your ficcie! And you're very welcome for the review. I owe ya for that terrific reviews you gave my fics! Keep going! It's so good! E-mail me sometime! Ja Electra!

~*Kurai-sama, Goddess of Darkness*~
12/21/2002 c1 Toxic Shadow
OMG! This is so good! Plz update asap! I love it!

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