Just In
for The Family I Once Knew: Part One: Africa

12/28/2005 c11 28Nicole T. Pompeii
7/15/2003 c1 18Savin
*look of interest* Hm...*goes off to read more* Good teaser. Now I'm curious.

Savin ^_~
6/2/2003 c11 10NamelessWanderer

Sorry it took me so long to review, I was really busy and I had forgotten some of what happened, so I needed to re-read some stuff.


(Sorry, I'm having writers block, for all my stories, but if you want a story that is related to Daughter of the Night, look at The City of Moon Light and Spiders)
5/26/2003 c11 21NatashaRostof
Wow. This is seriously really, really good. I love the very last line, and was also drawn to the little detail you added about Miss Follows "staring into the place where a fire should have been."

And...the father/Sir thing is creepy. Is there going to be a connection there? 'Cause I love those sort of twists. :o)

Totally cool, do write more! :o)
5/4/2003 c9 NatashaRostof
Aw. This really is very good. Keep updating! (Though I can't really speak, myself.) ;o)
4/24/2003 c9 10NamelessWanderer
cool! moremoremoremoremore!

If you post again, I'll post more of Shadow Land *nods*

I've finished chapter 3, if you didn't notice, it's annoying that is won't say it has, but in case you didn't see, it is.

I'll Update when you post chapter 10!
4/11/2003 c8 21NatashaRostof
*grin* Wow, now personification, with the moon...my English teacher would be proud. :o) This is SO good! Goodness, where do you get your ideas? I'll be watching for more!
4/11/2003 c7 NatashaRostof
Ek, her father has quite the temper, doesn't he? *grin* Very, very interesting. I love the description. :o)
4/11/2003 c6 NatashaRostof
:o) I love your similes. Again, not much to say, but I'm going to keep reading...
4/11/2003 c5 NatashaRostof
Wow. W-O-W. That is absolutely gorgeous...

Really, really awesome. Keep it up!
4/7/2003 c8 10NamelessWanderer

sorry about not updating... am working on another two stories and Gwen is mad at me. anyway, shall post something soon!
4/6/2003 c2 9CatieZee
Ok, I just had to read the next chapter, and like NatashaRostof (since I don't think you know her name, I'll just use her pen name) I like to write a review for each chapter. I love it when people review my stuff, so yeah. This is very well done. Again, I really like all the little details. I also love how you ended it. Great suspence. Well done!
4/6/2003 c1 CatieZee
Very well written. I enjoyed the little details you gave about the house and the objects in it. Those little bits of description I always find to be so beautiful. In case you don't know, I'm a friend of NatashaRostof's. She mentioned you, and I thought I'd read your stuff. This is very good so far, and I'm sure it can only get better.
4/4/2003 c4 21NatashaRostof
Aw. Beautiful. The description is lovely. I will finish reading later, I promise, but now I'm going to work on Chapter 4. ;o)
4/4/2003 c3 NatashaRostof
Interesting! I'd like to have more to say, but... I'm just going to keep reading. ;o)
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