1/2/2008 c2 Someone you recently met
I like your writing. A lot. You should write more. I myself have made a few feeble(sp) attempts at fanfiction aandnd thats about it. Do you write fanfic alongside too maybe? :3
I like your writing. A lot. You should write more. I myself have made a few feeble(sp) attempts at fanfiction aandnd thats about it. Do you write fanfic alongside too maybe? :3
9/7/2003 c2 Your author
hey the dove-eccentric
i want to let you know that Amanda is me asshole. thats how i am in real life. im exactly like i am in this story, including doing ballet and boys, somtimes girls. thats just me. ask any of my friends.
but yes thank you i am a pretty good writer.
hey the dove-eccentric
i want to let you know that Amanda is me asshole. thats how i am in real life. im exactly like i am in this story, including doing ballet and boys, somtimes girls. thats just me. ask any of my friends.
but yes thank you i am a pretty good writer.
9/5/2003 c1 the dove-eccentric
You’re a pretty good writer but your story sucks...
I mean when your talking about Amanda...she's a crazy free spirit who is a bar tender at night but redeems herself by doing ballet and yoga? What the hell is that?
You’re a pretty good writer but your story sucks...
I mean when your talking about Amanda...she's a crazy free spirit who is a bar tender at night but redeems herself by doing ballet and yoga? What the hell is that?
7/4/2003 c1 Mistress Mandy
hey guys, YAY! thanks for everyone who reviewed! NO flames yet (almost)! WOO. I was thinking, after reading a review I got, that maybe you don't realize that Danny, Amanda, Jadyn, Jessika, and Jack are actually my best buddies. We act exactly how we act in this story. really. We're all insane. And Danny and Jack are really going out. (total cuteness) And Danny honest to god acts like he does in this story. So i'm really not trying to make them "stereotypical gay guys" or something like that. I'm just capturing everyones personality NOW and fitting it how we will most likely act when we're older. So, with that said, thanx for reviewing, i love you ALL!
hey guys, YAY! thanks for everyone who reviewed! NO flames yet (almost)! WOO. I was thinking, after reading a review I got, that maybe you don't realize that Danny, Amanda, Jadyn, Jessika, and Jack are actually my best buddies. We act exactly how we act in this story. really. We're all insane. And Danny and Jack are really going out. (total cuteness) And Danny honest to god acts like he does in this story. So i'm really not trying to make them "stereotypical gay guys" or something like that. I'm just capturing everyones personality NOW and fitting it how we will most likely act when we're older. So, with that said, thanx for reviewing, i love you ALL!
7/4/2003 c2 Danny
wow Mandy, nice! I am so great in this. God I love me
wow Mandy, nice! I am so great in this. God I love me
7/4/2003 c2
Although I absolutely hate it when everything's presented to me on a silver platter (which it is) and despite stereotypical gay men (which there are), it's too adorable not to like. Sure the style isn't up to scratch with what I like (i.e. Alice Sebold and co.), it's still fine.
I could yell and scream about certain things being tightened up (think lipo for syntax) and about how it feels slightly messy, I can't say "no" to what feels nice.

Although I absolutely hate it when everything's presented to me on a silver platter (which it is) and despite stereotypical gay men (which there are), it's too adorable not to like. Sure the style isn't up to scratch with what I like (i.e. Alice Sebold and co.), it's still fine.
I could yell and scream about certain things being tightened up (think lipo for syntax) and about how it feels slightly messy, I can't say "no" to what feels nice.
4/7/2003 c1 Krista
Hey I love this story, but you know what would make the story even better...another chapter! Let me know if you are going to do another chapter I have some ideas *Evil Grin*. Don't worry you will probally like the ideas, because I mean its us.
Hey I love this story, but you know what would make the story even better...another chapter! Let me know if you are going to do another chapter I have some ideas *Evil Grin*. Don't worry you will probally like the ideas, because I mean its us.
4/4/2003 c1
AH! I LOVE IT! Write another chapter! LOLOL, that was hilarious, and i could completely picture us like that! hahahahaha

AH! I LOVE IT! Write another chapter! LOLOL, that was hilarious, and i could completely picture us like that! hahahahaha
3/20/2003 c1
hi! This story is so great so far! It sounds just like me and my friends. Great job, amanda! pleaz write more!

hi! This story is so great so far! It sounds just like me and my friends. Great job, amanda! pleaz write more!
1/11/2003 c1
Oh wow...
I SO wanna move to NYC when I get older. And don't you just looooove gay guys? They're hhhhhott. "Yes, Jack was gay and it was a shame because all the girls wanted him." That's how it is with my friend Josh. Or maybe I'm just the only one who wants him. Yes, and sex is good.
Nice story. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.

Oh wow...
I SO wanna move to NYC when I get older. And don't you just looooove gay guys? They're hhhhhott. "Yes, Jack was gay and it was a shame because all the girls wanted him." That's how it is with my friend Josh. Or maybe I'm just the only one who wants him. Yes, and sex is good.
Nice story. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
1/6/2003 c1
27Daroga's Rainy Daae
Cuuuute and funny! Heheheh. I like the "Yes, Jack was gay, and it was a shame because all the girls wanted him". :P Let's have more chapters! YAY! I want-uh story! Hurrah! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Cuuuute and funny! Heheheh. I like the "Yes, Jack was gay, and it was a shame because all the girls wanted him". :P Let's have more chapters! YAY! I want-uh story! Hurrah! :) :) :) :) :) :)
1/4/2003 c1 AriesSolar
Fwa! Hacked into my grandpa's screename and changed the...setting...thing...*blink*...anyway, it works now (yay!) This is absolutly hilarious! Write more!
Fwa! Hacked into my grandpa's screename and changed the...setting...thing...*blink*...anyway, it works now (yay!) This is absolutly hilarious! Write more!
12/28/2002 c1 Kat
hehehe this is great! write more, so we can get to the GOOD stuff...*me, lol* keep writing, hun! oh, and we are so doing europe in a few years! *hugz*
Luv always,
Krazy Kat
hehehe this is great! write more, so we can get to the GOOD stuff...*me, lol* keep writing, hun! oh, and we are so doing europe in a few years! *hugz*
Luv always,
Krazy Kat