Just In
for Let it go

1/28/2003 c1 Rheia
You expressed it well... of having hate him but still wanting him to be there. And life goes on even without him.

And I think that it's not your fault that he left... esp. if you never did anything wrong. If only he could read this poem maybe he might feel guilty or somethin... ;(
12/24/2002 c1 220Namir Swiftpaw
::starts to type the review and then slowly melts into the floor, screaming:: ARGH THE REVIEW IS KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...::turns into a puddle::

...N-no...I'm not usually this much of a smartass...^^;

I liked your poem - I can relate with you far too much, it's sad to say. Broken homes suck.

Keep writing.

~Namir Swiftpaw
12/24/2002 c1 3Hopes Forgotten

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