Just In
for Jack's Story

10/3/2011 c1 anonymous
The prologue is very interesting, and is making me want to threaten to cut off one of your hands if you don't upload the next chapter soon! After all, you can type with only one hand...
1/8/2003 c1 1Snake Eyez
Ooo so cool! I really love this... prolouge... but I"m sure it'll be a great story. By any chance, you're the person who does Target! right? I think so... you just really remind me of her in your art and stuff. ^_^ Be my friend? ~hug~
1/4/2003 c1 2Celrevia
*smiles* That was very interesting, I do hope that you will continue soon because your writing style is very unique.

I love your manga too. Please get the next chapter up soon.
1/3/2003 c1 3theMuse
This is awwwwwwwwwwesome.

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