Just In
for An Unlikely Match

8/8/2003 c13 2Rose Anderson
aw! how sweet! i loved how u described all the characters so good. i also liked how alice learned money doesn't buy love and how she acted like a little girl at first but turned out to be a mature adult.
7/6/2003 c1 14matt15086
Awesome story! I was wondering if you can review my story called Earth is under attack. Thanks!

6/8/2003 c1 5Autumn Pierce
Thank you so much for all your compliments and constructive criticism! They are greatly appreciated.
5/25/2003 c13 Sira Morgan
Sounds like a Jane Austen, which is a compliment, I assure you!
5/21/2003 c13 7Liriel87
I like it, even if it is a little...dry. Alice is a little to childish to me. I thought she was like 11. Anyway you are getting better throughout the story. But its somewhat repetative and a little dull. All around ok though.
3/30/2003 c1 6Concetta
Really, Really, good so far!
3/30/2003 c8 Sheila
very good story. I noticed a few little problems (of course, just my opinion). My suggestions are to maybe try not just making statements, like "Soon she found herself wishing she were older.' Explain it better, use more precise terms. Also in chapter 8, I don't like how as soon as she "decided to pray to find a charming young man to fall in love with," the "perfect" person magically appears. Try more interesting chapter titles.
3/24/2003 c7 7AgentAlexae
this story is so cute! you need to continue writing.

i feel bad for alice! she needs a man for herself!
3/23/2003 c7 jacky
WOW!i dont believe why you dont have as many reviews as you should i really like this story and will be looking forward to the next chapter.
3/21/2003 c7 sovereign
where's this story going? now that alice has known 'the error of her ways', what else is left?
2/21/2003 c5 Jojobear
Ah I love the story. I always love scheming characters like Rachel! Keep up the good work!
2/6/2003 c3 satar
lol thats so funny thats she trying to set up her sister, anywasy totally cool story so far cant wait til the next chapter

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