Just In
for Wind

9/22/2003 c1 127godawful teen-angst poetry
This has such a nice, breezy flow, rather like the subject. I really like this, actually. Great job!

*adds to faves*

5/15/2003 c1 47Dave500
i like it
5/10/2003 c1 Needa S
Beautiful! Excellent piece..
2/19/2003 c1 37Lady Lunara
HI's and salutations. Oh my gosh I've often felt just like that. Your poetry is amazing. I really like it. Well g2g 4 now. Later.
2/10/2003 c1 35aurias
What you have written here portrays a very soothing feeling to the reader. Nice. I wanted to read your chinese poem too, but I can't see the characters.
2/9/2003 c1 29MelodyReiterLee
Great name for the poem. It really describes the wind.
2/9/2003 c1 68Princess Mulan
Happy Valentine to you, too!

This is so sweet! I get all WAFFy inside. Very sweet! I love it!
2/7/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
Beautiful work! Happy Valentines Day to you, too.

~Heart of the Sword
2/7/2003 c1 176DefianceIsMe
The wind is a double edged sword...both calming and destructive. Great job on the calm description. ^_^
2/7/2003 c1 ditiseennaam
That was a good poem! write some more!

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