Just In
for The Antithesis of Poeticised Fancies

1/25/2006 c1 41sarah1491
Oh, really good! :)
4/29/2003 c1 4Alaskan-Lone-Wolf
*wow* that was an amazing set of poetry there. You definatly have a way with words..i was captivated by this poem and held by it. I espesially like that last line..beautiful job, and a very nice touch. Please keep it up.

~*~The Goddess of Night~*~
4/2/2003 c1 16Voodoo Fyrefly
Reminds me of Cradle Of Filth in the archaic beauty of the language (and that's a good thing, really) it's refreshing to see a different take on valentine's day...i'm so used to sickly ballads and it's nice to see something totally different. Great job.

3/27/2003 c1 33EnigmaticToast
I enjoyed this poem thoroughly! =)

Btw, the "charming beauty" in my poem (The Girl You Did Not Notice) is meant to serve as what all girls have the potential be to someone, somwhere.

Love and Light!,

2/17/2003 c1 53Impressionist
it's good.

All the big words seemed to be a tad bit unnessesary to me, almost as if you sat with a thesaurus on your lap, trying to fit in as many words as possible. Which isn't always a bad thing, but make sure you know what they all mean, and use them in the right context. And at that, I think you mostly did. so I commend you for that.

Other than that, I really have nothing more to say. Well done.
2/8/2003 c1 43Carter Tachikawa
*blinks* Wow. Wow. Like I said before, no matter what you write, you amaze nonetheless. A beautifully written poem for Valentine's Day. I think I'll send it to my lover (lol, j/k. But seriously, it's great). I love your vocabulary. Shakespeare would be proud of you too.

Keep it up, dear. Whether you're brutal like in "The God of Minds" or gentle like here, I love you for it.

2/8/2003 c1 Beckly
Hey, saw this on your website, and boy am I glad to see it posted here! As usual, you've left me speechless- this poem was perfect. Honest. You ended it so amazingly too.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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