Just In
for Immortality

2/26/2003 c2 9Kimberly L. Williams
Wow! This story is awesome! Keep it up!

-Kim a.k.a Froggie Lover
2/25/2003 c2 Rainne
Aw, poor Chigaru! **sniff** Well- that nasty bi-yatch Neema will get her's, I'm sure of it. Glad u updated, I had the feeling u wouldn't, not sure why. Keep writing tho, I'm still waiting for how she's gonna save hundreds of people. Unless her ending her grief and making the rain leave was it. In that case, I'm kind of disappointed with you, Fuyu. But I doubt that's what u meant, so update soon, k? Bye
2/24/2003 c2 4Gohanzgirl
I absolutely loved this chapter. poor puppy! I cant believe you killed her dog! please give her another pet! *smiles hopefully* I love this please continue soon! I cant wait.
2/24/2003 c2 deadaccount352
poor Chigaru but it was funny what the main chaether said to Neema and the Prince
2/24/2003 c1 deadaccount352
2/24/2003 c1 Gohanzgirl
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow! I am completely in love with this story! youve done a great job! and I hope that you keep it up you have my full support as a reader! GO! *waves a flag*
2/21/2003 c1 Rainne
Yes, please continue! I really like this character, and the part w/ the dog was really well written. Daughter of Seth, that's cool. Keep writing!
2/17/2003 c1 4Antiope
Wow! So far, it is intriging. I would very much like to see what happens next, so please update! It is a very enjoyable story, and I like the setting!
2/16/2003 c1 31Cosmic Angel
I love this story. I hope you do post the rest up! It's really really well written, and..I can only say that it's brilliant! If you post the rest up, I'll definately read it.
2/15/2003 c1 25Henna
O! *is in love with your story* I cannot get enough of this! Make sure to post the rest soon, okay? Thank you!

May the Goddess smile upon you.

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