Just In
for Requiem for an Author

4/5/2011 c1 7drats
The ending was a sweet one. :)

I like your imagination too. First for thinking up the question, then coming up with a story for it. Very nice.
6/14/2009 c1 Brenda Agaro
Wow, that was really intriguing. Very good character interaction and imagery.
10/2/2008 c1 Hidden Flowers
5/30/2006 c1 2Draconic-Master
This is a really cool idea and I enjoyed reading it... but what happens if there is no one to pick up the pieces? Anyways, this was really cool to read and an interesting topic to address.
3/17/2006 c1 5Lillium
Aww. That's really just adorable.

I hope someone has the courtesy to remember all of my old characters, after I die.

This is getting fav'd.
10/19/2005 c1 83BlueRose218
this is making me cry cause I feel guilty now about all the characters I've written and then forgotten about...oh my god, I'm a murderer!
10/12/2005 c1 24Fireeye Howlsong Rainpelt
I like it, but you're supposed to have it double-spaced. No prob; it's easy to read, but you might get in trouble with the FP admin.

I like the plot. Yes, a seque would be nice. Maybe just another chapter? I think it's good. Potential. Keep it up!
9/20/2005 c1 Gracey London
LOL. This is a neat, well-written short story with great dialogue and a sweet ending. There's one part where it says, "Daniel held her hand until she died, and then he folded them gently upon her breast and stood up."-there's numerical inconsistency between hand and "them". But other than that, great job!

6/7/2005 c1 31Shadow Gryphon
*smiles faintly* That's a really cool idea. What happens to the characters... Sweetly written, with a great idea. If there was more to this, I'd definately read it. It's just... poignant, I think would be the right word.
4/29/2005 c1 Sullen Lily
Oh, wow. I haven't read too much on fictionpress, since I usually write fanfiction, but this is really unique and very well-written. Great job!
1/22/2005 c1 10Solanio
Incredible - and what a wonderful idea! I can't think of anything to add other than my congratulations for such a superb and pleasurefull tale.
1/22/2005 c1 1StarRuby
Wow, this is interesting! ^^ My only suggestion is maybe... make the sentences flow a little more? I dunno. XD I really like it, and I'm waiting for your next update!
1/13/2005 c1 10Jaz108
this one was funny... but it would never work if it was me who died.. =(... most of my characters are not in any story... they kinda just pops up in my head.. few of them make it into a story... =/anyways.. thsi story was really good! you write well! it was an interesting thing to write about...

12/10/2004 c1 8Neapon
:) This gives off a pleasent feeling.^_^
11/30/2004 c1 3NeedsDeletedUgh
i like it. i really do. it's odd, but good. reminds me vaugely of inkheart. ever heard of it?
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