Just In
for Misfortunes

6/12/2013 c21 1KoriLee123
I wish you were still continuing this story. It's really great.
11/6/2011 c21 blythely
Quinn/Minerva/Michael triangle. me likey. but for all that Minerva rants about how 'attracted' she is to Michael, I don't see it happening. Obviously she's still hung up over Quinn. Well hope you update.. though probably not..
8/8/2011 c21 9Binkybaby
Loved it.
12/28/2010 c21 7mesweetescape
SO. I love this story of yours.

The characters are real, they have flaws and they are well liked.

You have cliches in your story, which is ACTUALLY AWESOME. cause i love cliches, even if that sucks to some people, and damn do you have a sense of humour! haha.

Keep writing, UPDATE SOON!

You are an amazing writer, dont let anyone think otherwise. :)
11/10/2010 c21 Tk
Hey, I love the story so far, but why'd you stop! It's so good and you stopped! Ive been checking for updates everyday even though the last time you updated was in 2007. :(
9/23/2010 c21 Evie Siri
Great work!

Update soon..PLEASE!

~Madamme Y.Y XD
8/5/2010 c21 sdyedanney
hey there! just found ur fic! it's good however it isn't completed. sad. anyways, hope u find time to update it. im waiting for her moments with quin... can't wait!
6/8/2009 c1 ctolhouse
I remember reading this story when I first joined fp way back when . . . I always thought it was one of the more interesting plot lines. And I really liked the characters and how they were evolving as the chapters went on.

I hope you finish this one day, if only so that we can see it reach a satisfactory conclusion.
3/7/2009 c3 Anonymous
Minerva and Yasmin are hilarious. Love their sibling relationship. And their dad's comment: "I like it when my girls are dressed." LOL (okay, not really, I'm exaggerating, but it was funny).
12/26/2008 c1 tru
y did u name her after a roman goddess
11/17/2008 c21 Frozen.by.Sloth

This was a great story. I really enjoyed every bit of it.

To tell you the truth, I was totally 'fuck yeah' when I realized that there actually wouldn't be that 'why am I with his friend if I like HIM' scene, but seems that it was just postponed.

Though, I admit it that this time I actually do like Michael.

I just like Quinn better :)

Man, I'm a sucker for love/hate relationships. The chemistry literary explodes. No pun intended.

Well, apart from everything I've rambled on till now, I can't help but admire your writing. The style of your writing is quite entertaining and interesting at every moment. I even like all the characters. I usually hold a strong dislike for at least one character, if not for the main lead. :)

Well, I can't wait for more.

And I do hope she will end up with Quinn. Michael's uber cute, but yeah.. The explosive chemistry kinda overbalances it :)

Okay. Enough of my ramblings.

Hope you don't mind me hopping in for the ride.

Keep up the great work, I'm loving it :)
8/12/2008 c7 a beginner
tts really really amazing
7/31/2008 c21 1glamoureste
AH... Goodness, woman! Update. I really really want to know what happens between Quinn and Michael and Minnie.
5/26/2008 c21 Lolcano
Great story. And, um, sorry, but Minnie ends up with Quinn, right?

Cuz, i really don't like michael. I feel like theres something wrong with him and that he should get with kelly.

Update soon!
12/23/2007 c21 1PeterMoore
andy is weird. so did not see him dating physics teacher coming. o i do hope minnie ends up with quinn
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