7/18/2003 c1 GrungeIsDead
I love it how you ended it: Why? It gives one something to think about...
Remiinds me of me. A go to bed, and in the morning my hair is all messed up, my p.js wrinkled, and I tell myslef, "Wow. You look like the freak from outer space."
Lol I'm not that ugly... I think... 0_0
I love it how you ended it: Why? It gives one something to think about...
Remiinds me of me. A go to bed, and in the morning my hair is all messed up, my p.js wrinkled, and I tell myslef, "Wow. You look like the freak from outer space."
Lol I'm not that ugly... I think... 0_0