Just In
for Out of the Shadows

12/29/2003 c1 36Kittle
Awesome poem. I love the format.
7/7/2003 c1 8Drusilla Deadly
this was really good...
7/7/2003 c1 kuroi kenshi
whoa...that was really good
3/10/2003 c1 12All Mighty Terrestrial
Wonderful sentiments. Knowing that things are terrible, but wanting to get better, to be happy again. I know exactly how this feels. Thanks for the review!
3/9/2003 c1 Just Wolf
deadlycool. So lyrical and full of raw emotion.
3/3/2003 c1 16PotNR
Woah. deep it's really inspiring I liked it alot keep writing ur a good poet
3/1/2003 c1 35Brenron
I like this.
2/28/2003 c1 13NuttyGummy
Wow. *falls out of chair for no reason at all.* Wow. This was good.
2/28/2003 c1 36Rhia
Wow, this is kick-ass stuff. Write more!


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