5/27/2017 c12 Guest
When I'm reading this in 2017 and the last question says, "Should I go to Borders?" it's pretty funny.
When I'm reading this in 2017 and the last question says, "Should I go to Borders?" it's pretty funny.
7/28/2009 c1 ISa
i love barnes and nobles...
never would have thought there were crazy maniac costumers everyone and annoyingly disgusting couples groping in plain sight.
i love barnes and nobles...
never would have thought there were crazy maniac costumers everyone and annoyingly disgusting couples groping in plain sight.
1/13/2009 c36
This is hilarious! I loved the whole thing and am moving on to Volune 2. :)

This is hilarious! I loved the whole thing and am moving on to Volune 2. :)
2/16/2008 c4 Kirin Faye
Hey there. I'm a repeat reader and as such, it accured to me how captivating a story you tell. Have you ever thought about polishing this up and publishing it? *grins* It'd be awesome if B&N started carrying it, too.
Hey there. I'm a repeat reader and as such, it accured to me how captivating a story you tell. Have you ever thought about polishing this up and publishing it? *grins* It'd be awesome if B&N started carrying it, too.
10/19/2007 c36
I started reading your story about three days ago, it's funnt though, i really love reading it. Ihope you continue to post things like this on yay... go you,

I started reading your story about three days ago, it's funnt though, i really love reading it. Ihope you continue to post things like this on yay... go you,
4/8/2007 c24
"Out of curiosity, why don't you get an online diary instead of spamming with accounts of your day?"
I like your stories! they make me laughXD it's funny

"Out of curiosity, why don't you get an online diary instead of spamming with accounts of your day?"
I like your stories! they make me laughXD it's funny
4/7/2007 c3 dark-anime-angel500
"I'm looking for a book on the story of Christmas before the bible."
actually christmas exited before the bible it's a pagan holiday that's probably what their talking about
"I'm looking for a book on the story of Christmas before the bible."
actually christmas exited before the bible it's a pagan holiday that's probably what their talking about
7/27/2006 c36 Erin
This is fantastic! I work at the B&N in Redlands, CA and I was so glad to find a website that already posted all the shit that I complain about daily. I sent a link to a bunch of my coworkers too. Can't wait to read book 2!
This is fantastic! I work at the B&N in Redlands, CA and I was so glad to find a website that already posted all the shit that I complain about daily. I sent a link to a bunch of my coworkers too. Can't wait to read book 2!
7/14/2006 c13 Stardust'n'Wanderlust
I've never thought that the HP books are anything special-They're well written, sure, and they're creative (although I've heard that JKR ripped some of her ideas from Diana Wynne Jones) but they're not...spectacular, or even very memorable. I dunno. Maybe it's just me.
I've never thought that the HP books are anything special-They're well written, sure, and they're creative (although I've heard that JKR ripped some of her ideas from Diana Wynne Jones) but they're not...spectacular, or even very memorable. I dunno. Maybe it's just me.
7/14/2006 c9 Stardust'n'Wanderlust
9-Oh my gosh. That would be really sad if the person who wrote this happened to find this here...
10- "For Christ’s sake, this isn’t a power plant and you aren’t a victim of Chernobyl! ‘Look what happened to me’, honestly." I love your cynical/acerbic humor!
11-"Someone took a sock filled with shit, cut a hole in it, and spun it over their heads." What the hell? I've never seen any of this at our bookstore! That's pathetic. And disgusting.
9-Oh my gosh. That would be really sad if the person who wrote this happened to find this here...
10- "For Christ’s sake, this isn’t a power plant and you aren’t a victim of Chernobyl! ‘Look what happened to me’, honestly." I love your cynical/acerbic humor!
11-"Someone took a sock filled with shit, cut a hole in it, and spun it over their heads." What the hell? I've never seen any of this at our bookstore! That's pathetic. And disgusting.
7/14/2006 c7 Stardust'n'Wanderlust
8-I am SO working at Barnes&Noble when I'm old enough! It seems so interesting, and then when I get a piss-off customer, I can make fun of him/her on the internet!PS: I always figured there was a reason behind the whole percentages...
8-I am SO working at Barnes&Noble when I'm old enough! It seems so interesting, and then when I get a piss-off customer, I can make fun of him/her on the internet!PS: I always figured there was a reason behind the whole percentages...
7/13/2006 c29 shannon
Lovely teachers and doctors... And I thought that I had no chances of going to college.
Lovely teachers and doctors... And I thought that I had no chances of going to college.
7/7/2006 c5 Stardust'n'Wanderlust
Go her! Some people, I think, just live to complain. It's the only time they're truly satisfied, which is kind of sad.
Go her! Some people, I think, just live to complain. It's the only time they're truly satisfied, which is kind of sad.