Just In
for The Quicksilver Medallion

6/24/2003 c16 The-Mighty-Koshi
Argh! Why wasn't I here earlier!*hits head with fist* Those were some excellent chapters. Seriously, they were awesome. Please continue writing or I swear I will try to hunt you down. And keep listening to Celtic music, it's the bomb. But continue to write, I absolutely love your style of writing.

6/24/2003 c3 81Red Masque
Cool. hehe, and hence the title? or... maybe not. i've made bad assumptions before...
6/24/2003 c2 Red Masque
Loved it- lots of action conveyed in a skillful manner.
6/24/2003 c16 Rachel
oh...mygosh ^^. this is an awesome story! pleasepleaseplease post more soon! =)
6/23/2003 c16 4Plateado
The story is getting even more intense and interesting. What's with the 'identical twins' thing? DOn't get the wrong idea here. I like it. It puts a definate twist on things... I'll have to think on that one.

6/23/2003 c16 The Highwaywoman
You and your freakin' cliffhangers. ;)
6/22/2003 c1 3Maira L. Dane
wow! Congradulations. I know you've probably heard this a million times over, but great work! I really enjoy reading this and ... yea! um. I honestly don't know what to say.

to tell you the truth, the only reason i read this wuz because of ALL the reviews. (I wanted to see what I had to do to get that many.)^-^ so. yea. I love it. I don't have time to read more, but i will soon. Is that language something you made up or was it an actual language. (I hate learning new languages, so I pretty much know nothing about it... although i love elvish from lotr) So. Great. Keep writing!
6/22/2003 c16 The Highwaywoman
exalted authoress! continue the story soon! :)
6/22/2003 c1 50Rai Kamishiro
Generic idea, but pulled off in an overly creative way. And yes, that is a compliment.

I like the dad. I don't know, something about Kaniq saying Divine gift and him just nodding is amusing to me.

Well, on to the next chapter...

Rai Kamishiro
6/21/2003 c16 1Windemere
This is, quite simply, an incredible piece of work! An obvious labor of love, it is without a doubt one of the best Fantasy stories I've read on FP.net. The concept for this story is so utterly original, and the attention to detail is amazing. You've managed to create a rich and believable world inhabited by a host of convincing characters.

I don't about anyone else, but I enjoy it when a tale isn't completely straightforward. Call me sadistic, but I like being driven to the brink of madness by a twisting, convoluted plot that sets my mind afire with theories and possibilities. And it makes the eventual denoument that much sweeter.

You're an extremely talented writer. I've decided to spend this entire review fawning over you, and save any

questions or constructive criticisms for later. :)

6/20/2003 c16 Beautiful Sinner
Awesome chapter! Keep up the great work! Poor Sovay. That was a huge surprise that they look alike...Didn't even hit me.
6/20/2003 c16 19Karma-of-Chaos
Hey dahlin'

OOh, you posted two chapters whilst I was gone! Yay! * background clapping for Scotia * More and more twists, I absolutly love it. Good to see Sovay falter for once, no one's perfect. I'm quite intrested to see where all this is going, and which among the 6 is the fake...or maybe, none of them are, and the sixth is some sort of key or such? In the great words of Kodak Film: "Ah, the possiblities." ;)

Anyway, update soon! I know you have it in you! * waves a little Scotia flag *

Keep Writing (as always!)

- Karma
6/20/2003 c16 letylyf
Actually, I have to disagree, she was quite cool in this chapter. I like hearing her talk about little details, and I like how those two meet, that's pretty cool too, I'm wondering the same thing though, why is she so afraid? Hmm. lol.

and that lieutenant is an idiot if he thinks he's going to displace sovay *rolls eyes* (I hope.. lol)

uh, and I don't get the chapter title.

one last thing. if this is what you call slow update speeds i'd hate to try to keep up with a fast one. give yourself a break every once in a while. lol :)
6/20/2003 c16 9Magentian
All right! Jiranor's coming to the rescue! ^_^ Funny how these things work out, isn't it? Clever, how you rigged in a description of Saph and Sovay in the opening, as well... although it's a bit late for physical descriptions, still, it helps.

I like the fact that Sovay wasn't so 'cool' in this chapter... it makes her seem more human, to have the power taken away from her for once. Otherwise, she would get to be too two-dimensional. Many people have kick-butt tomboy spunky lead female roles (all right, not many, but still, it's not terribly new), but few people actually show what it's like to have these people get a hit a bit too close to home. Different, more trying circumstances can put a whole new spin on people, and show you a whole new side... and in this situation, we see that Sovay, or at least a part of her, is just a teeny bit... dare I say? ...bratty. It's a good flaw for her. Congrats! ^_^

Hmm... in other news... well, Saph's still the same impulsive, normal girl... or at least as normal as possible, under the circumstances. It's nice how she felt bad about asking Sovay why she was afraid of her, sort of shows a softer side that we don't get to see too often. In short, you really added a lot more depth to your characters in this chapter... Kudos to you! I just hope you can do as well with your other leads as you have done with Saphra and Sovay. Til the next chapter, then! ^_^
6/20/2003 c15 4Crazygurl70
ah! This review is simply for the purpose of adding this (and you) to my favorites list...
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