6/13/2003 c12 Cbuddy
Hey, I enjoyed reading your little saga about Saphra. I'm sure you hear that alot, but I have to reiterate it because it's true. I love the idea about the flying competition in CH.1 and hope that somehow, someway it will make another appearance soon :). If you have some time on your hands and feel like reading something mildly interesting, you could look into my story. Just search my name an it should be there( I don't like self-promotion, but oh well.)Once again, thanks for those awesome 12 chapters and keep it up!
Hey, I enjoyed reading your little saga about Saphra. I'm sure you hear that alot, but I have to reiterate it because it's true. I love the idea about the flying competition in CH.1 and hope that somehow, someway it will make another appearance soon :). If you have some time on your hands and feel like reading something mildly interesting, you could look into my story. Just search my name an it should be there( I don't like self-promotion, but oh well.)Once again, thanks for those awesome 12 chapters and keep it up!
6/13/2003 c12 19Karma-of-Chaos
Eh, lovely title. * laughs * It seems a few answers are finally appearing...or maybe I'm just delusional. Or both. ;)
Keep Writing!
- Karma
Eh, lovely title. * laughs * It seems a few answers are finally appearing...or maybe I'm just delusional. Or both. ;)
Keep Writing!
- Karma
6/13/2003 c11 4Straw-wolf
All I can say is, wow. You are amazing! I love this story and your plot twists are fantastic. Even though I don't quite understand what's going on I promise to read to the very end. So Update, now, right now. Please?
All I can say is, wow. You are amazing! I love this story and your plot twists are fantastic. Even though I don't quite understand what's going on I promise to read to the very end. So Update, now, right now. Please?
6/12/2003 c11 3letylyf
Good story. I don't think my last review I just treid to submit showed up. (these servers are crap). anyway I said that it was a good story, um the romance between those two might be expanded, and that would be awesome, and the two s girls should meet soon, I hope she saves her.
lol. keep it up.
Good story. I don't think my last review I just treid to submit showed up. (these servers are crap). anyway I said that it was a good story, um the romance between those two might be expanded, and that would be awesome, and the two s girls should meet soon, I hope she saves her.
lol. keep it up.
6/12/2003 c11 19Karma-of-Chaos
Once again, you add more confusing elements! Ah, a lovable but trying quirk for the readers. Keep updating so that we can finally understand what is keeping us so intrigued!
Oh and as for a better title...Crimson Dawn? Or maybe that's bad...I don't know. It's referring to Saphra's first battle and Sovay's eminent seige on wherever.
Keep writing!
- Karma
(PS - What DOES détente mean? I, unlike Tollin, am stupid and I am not afraid to admit it. Oh, and please, if you have some extra time, could you take a peek at my story, On The Rocks? I would be eternally grateful!)
Once again, you add more confusing elements! Ah, a lovable but trying quirk for the readers. Keep updating so that we can finally understand what is keeping us so intrigued!
Oh and as for a better title...Crimson Dawn? Or maybe that's bad...I don't know. It's referring to Saphra's first battle and Sovay's eminent seige on wherever.
Keep writing!
- Karma
(PS - What DOES détente mean? I, unlike Tollin, am stupid and I am not afraid to admit it. Oh, and please, if you have some extra time, could you take a peek at my story, On The Rocks? I would be eternally grateful!)
6/12/2003 c2 39zelle
OMG! YES! this chapter absolutely ROCKED~! I mean, I got pulled into it right from the beginning! and...why did she have to win? competitive much? its ok, though. I think I understand a little more about Saphra
my god...i LIKE this...
OMG! YES! this chapter absolutely ROCKED~! I mean, I got pulled into it right from the beginning! and...why did she have to win? competitive much? its ok, though. I think I understand a little more about Saphra
my god...i LIKE this...
6/12/2003 c10 4Yamaha angel
That's 'cos they're sisters isn't it. Isn't it? :P:P I know! They're sisters! I'm so smart, yo!
That's 'cos they're sisters isn't it. Isn't it? :P:P I know! They're sisters! I'm so smart, yo!
6/12/2003 c5 17Seeker Of The Night
What can I say. I'm no good at ship and all so I just trust you. You really built you character well, especially Sovay. Very interesting characteristic, may I add. And the little incident of the road is really good interval.
What can I say. I'm no good at ship and all so I just trust you. You really built you character well, especially Sovay. Very interesting characteristic, may I add. And the little incident of the road is really good interval.
6/12/2003 c11 9Magentian
Hmm... One is an impostor? Does that refer to 'Gold' in the prophecy, the one which will bring nothing but pyrite, fool's gold? Or is it Saphra's assasin? Was there one left out of the prophecy? Again, lots of things to wonder on. At least I am less suspicious of Jiranor after this... if he can contact the Benevolent Patriarch, whether or not he is abusing his power, and whether or not the Patriarch is so 'Benevolent' as he seems, at least Jiranor does seem to be a savior of some sort, not just one who claimed the title because of prophecy... and he does seem to believe fully in his cause. But will finding whoever he seeks cause harm or good? Or is one of the thanes preparing a trap for the both of them? And what does Jiranor intend to do with the one he seeks? Too many questions... urk...
And Saphra's past. What's up with that? She just keeps on referring back... what is it that haunts her? Was she once a member of the barbarian tribes? Is that why Hawk came to her with the prophecy? It checks out... she's not so haplessly devoted to the Pantheon... so it does make a sort of sense... well, I'll just have to wait! Another super-cool chapter, if you'll forgive my limited vocabulary...^_^ it started with humor, got really exciting, mentioned Sovay (always a good thing! and she seems to be enjoying herself... why am I not surprised? She's very opportunistic.) and wrapped up with some more mysterious ...stuff. Congrats on achieving, once again, a great installation of this story... see ya next chapter!
Hmm... One is an impostor? Does that refer to 'Gold' in the prophecy, the one which will bring nothing but pyrite, fool's gold? Or is it Saphra's assasin? Was there one left out of the prophecy? Again, lots of things to wonder on. At least I am less suspicious of Jiranor after this... if he can contact the Benevolent Patriarch, whether or not he is abusing his power, and whether or not the Patriarch is so 'Benevolent' as he seems, at least Jiranor does seem to be a savior of some sort, not just one who claimed the title because of prophecy... and he does seem to believe fully in his cause. But will finding whoever he seeks cause harm or good? Or is one of the thanes preparing a trap for the both of them? And what does Jiranor intend to do with the one he seeks? Too many questions... urk...
And Saphra's past. What's up with that? She just keeps on referring back... what is it that haunts her? Was she once a member of the barbarian tribes? Is that why Hawk came to her with the prophecy? It checks out... she's not so haplessly devoted to the Pantheon... so it does make a sort of sense... well, I'll just have to wait! Another super-cool chapter, if you'll forgive my limited vocabulary...^_^ it started with humor, got really exciting, mentioned Sovay (always a good thing! and she seems to be enjoying herself... why am I not surprised? She's very opportunistic.) and wrapped up with some more mysterious ...stuff. Congrats on achieving, once again, a great installation of this story... see ya next chapter!
6/12/2003 c11 wacka dkid
waho! you updated! whos the other genious on the ship with sovay? was he introduced earlier and i just forgot him or what?
waho! you updated! whos the other genious on the ship with sovay? was he introduced earlier and i just forgot him or what?
6/12/2003 c3 Mallory
Hmm, interesting...what ever happened to that "red team" guy. He didnt die did he? Well, ill read on...
Very good
Hmm, interesting...what ever happened to that "red team" guy. He didnt die did he? Well, ill read on...
Very good
6/12/2003 c2 Mallory
Very very good! OOh, this is really cool, reading on...
I would like to know what your characters look like though. I know saphra has green eyes but thats it. Oh, it's very very nicely written!
Very very good! OOh, this is really cool, reading on...
I would like to know what your characters look like though. I know saphra has green eyes but thats it. Oh, it's very very nicely written!
6/12/2003 c11 The Highwaywoman
aye, tis a mARvelous stoRY f'r a pirate like meself. YAR! keep up the good work. i'll catch you online later :)
aye, tis a mARvelous stoRY f'r a pirate like meself. YAR! keep up the good work. i'll catch you online later :)