3/10/2003 c2 100Devious Angel XDemon
^^; I really really like this! I should sign into my account so I can put it on my favorites list ^^;
( this is EngelWachterInDerHolle, seems my fanpress didn't change my penname, ah well. )
~ EngelWachter
^^; I really really like this! I should sign into my account so I can put it on my favorites list ^^;
( this is EngelWachterInDerHolle, seems my fanpress didn't change my penname, ah well. )
~ EngelWachter
3/9/2003 c2 2LazeyWinde
Looks like I get to do the first review, and I read your story of course.
I really like Silver and Luna, they sound like they'll be fun to read about. *Hopes that they don't wind up being eaten by any dragons*
I like the story so far.
Looks like I get to do the first review, and I read your story of course.
I really like Silver and Luna, they sound like they'll be fun to read about. *Hopes that they don't wind up being eaten by any dragons*
I like the story so far.