Just In
for War To Be

4/26/2006 c5 1For What Its Worth
punctuation could use some polishing, but i like all the maincharacters so far. so when are we going to learn the elf's story?
4/2/2003 c5 4balloonfuzz
why are the paintings at odd angles?I like how you described the different facial expressions*
3/29/2003 c5 17VladimirsAngel
*puts her head on one side, considering* I like the conflict you've set up between your two main characters. Elves and mages...they don't tend to get on, do they? *grins*

3/29/2003 c4 Sam
It's interesting, it really is. I just . . . well, chapter four began to lose me a little. I'm ready for hell to break loose, ya know? But I'll be looking for your other stories. I like it.
3/13/2003 c4 4balloonfuzz
return tap more often, every new person speaking is a new return tab. You've missed a bunch of commas.
3/13/2003 c4 5Lady of Discord
Ah! You're killing me! What happens next? By the way, this is alot better than 'Traveling Love.' I like it. I added another chapter to 'Never Forget Me' and *Sniff* It's so sad! Poor Yuri! *Sob* Wait, why am I crying? I wrote it. Anyway, update soon.
3/13/2003 c3 Lady of Discord
He he! This is getting cooler! An Elf? Awesome!
3/13/2003 c2 Lady of Discord
Hello! Very good so far. Oh- I have to read Chapter 3-
3/12/2003 c3 4balloonfuzz
You have to return tab for every new person speaking of for every new subject. And you could tell who is talking more often, it makes it a lot more understandable. Stick in some description, we don't know what anyone looks like*
3/11/2003 c2 10DarkSorceress
Looks good so far. Very fast paced. Keep writing.
3/11/2003 c2 4balloonfuzz
you need more spaces, and to proofread! You can write more than this, I know you can*
3/11/2003 c1 balloonfuzz
that's really short, come on you can write more than this!
3/10/2003 c2 38Shadow-Assassin
Short but sounds like it could be really good. Keep it up. =^-^=

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