Just In
for Hero

5/2/2006 c5 2RCS
Some good action sequences and dialogue. Interesting juxtaposition of a modern FBI agent with the setting of Norse mythology.
4/6/2006 c1 9Mask of Winters
You are a great writer admiral, and it shows in this story. Magnificent, this is definately one of my favorites.

PS: Is the Winston Churchill a few reviews below think he is the real Sir Winston Churchill? Just curious, because Churchill is dead... He died in 1965 at that. Hm...
2/13/2006 c5 chitoryu12
And to think I only put you on my favorites for your essays. This is one of the greatest stories I've ever read. Max is hilarious. A classic FBI agent. Cool ending to the fifth chapter, with the lightning storm stopping the avalanche. I'll definatly be looking forward to more.
10/18/2005 c1 6Aquilarealm
cool! i just read 'Exodus' and skipped to the bottom of chapter 2 to see where this was going to lead, and might i add that i certainly want to read the entire thing now! keep on writing.
5/19/2005 c1 Winston Churchill
Just curious; where did this 'evil' come from?

You're story seems rather short; do you intend to make it longer?

I've been writing for 30 years, and most of my works are quite long (you may recall my book "The Great Republic"), but I suppose one must start off short. Cheerio!
10/7/2004 c4 RCS
Well done. Keep it up.
2/19/2004 c3 Tyndale
I really think you're a wonderfully author. This tale you've created is simply fantastic. I hope you'll continue this story because it'd be a shame if you leave it like this. Thank you for posting your story for all of us to read.
2/11/2004 c3 Quid pro quo
You finally decided to update and you realy have my attention dude.
This is worth the read.
CanĀ“t wait for the next installment.
1/31/2004 c3 Mbwun
Sweetness. I'll be looking forward to more of this.

~He Who Walks On All Fours
1/31/2004 c2 Mbwun
Cool start. You did ask for nitpicks on Seattle, and I can tell ya, the area of the city in which the Federal Building resides has horrible traffic. Indeed, during commute times, you're pretty much guaranteed to have Seattle be the Apocalypse of driving (especially the I-5). On the other hand, I'm not a member of the FBI, so as far as I'm concerned, you've got a pretty good representation.:)

~He Who Walks On All Fours
1/28/2004 c3 RCS
Nice. I was wondering when you were going to continue with this. I like the premise of channeling the epic heroes.
8/1/2003 c2 Quid pro quo
This story has been very interesting so far.

I will keep reading it because I love mythology, especially the nordic one.
7/29/2003 c2 1C.S. Poet
This is an interesting story. It has a good flavor of mystery and action. But, I am confused: what is the point of the story? I'm not sure where you're taking this. This is a good beginning and I, as well as some others, would love to see this story continue.
7/28/2003 c2 12SRduVarno
Looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
7/27/2003 c2 8Moril
I still enjoyed this. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting, but it's still good.
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