Just In
for Last Embrace

12/8/2004 c1 99keltica
Not bad at all ... I liked the refrain ...

keltica, the celtic fire from within
12/1/2003 c1 12All Mighty Terrestrial
(cocks head and blinks) For a Harry Potter story? Really? Sort of feels like real life and psudeo-religion all rolled into one. Simple, rhythmic, rolling. Nothing else to say about it, really.
7/16/2003 c1 Pirate Punk Forever
*pops in, still wielding her WP pen* Heh heh...UPDATE THE REST OF YOUR STORIES, YOU TWEAKY YAVIEWEN YOU!
7/15/2003 c1 12Smiley Gurl 1019
Very nice. Any particular melody to put with this? If not, let me get out my piano and guitar, and WE'LL MAKE ONE!

6/16/2003 c1 187Andaren
Sounds a lot like the Goddess...

I love it! It's really sad, it made me cry :)

Thanx 4 the reviews ;)
6/14/2003 c1 Aceles
Hey awesome! I got your review and am happy to oblige to review! And I'm glad we agree on the whole mary-sue thing. There is a really great mary sue parody fanfic at fanfiction called Mutant Sue;it's X-Men based, and totally awesome and hilarious! O.k, well then, down to buisiness. (Oh almost forgot, I absoltely love X-2 too;I've seen it twice). Sigh*, I have a tendency to get off track. O.K, anyway this was interesting, not very clear but I liked it anyway. I liked the whole maiden section, and the end was good, with the fact that she cried for everyone else, and then lastly for herself. Very nice! I must go read the rest now! Hi ho silver, away...
5/23/2003 c1 Kyalia
Great lyrics- would be perfect for a song; I've no idea what the melody/whatever you had in mind was. Even without any of that, it's still a great poem...
4/17/2003 c1 8Veg-Head Cannibalism
That was interesring, but I liked it! Thanks for reviewing my poem!

You are right. Kumi Sataki is a good writer. And so are you.
4/13/2003 c1 3Kumi Sataki
I like it, it's sad tho! Only maybe you could punctuate it, I had a little trouble telling the sentences apart. And thanks for putting my name in this (again!)
3/20/2003 c1 9Cacahuate Loca


For those of you who have no idea what's with the West Point pen thing, DON'T ASK, YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

Thank you, that will be all.

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