Just In
for Untiltiled Poem

8/8/2004 c1 15AmberBloom
Good poem! Especially loved the admired and expired couplet. REALLY great job! Keep writing!
3/27/2003 c1 8PaperLanterns
Excellent, Jacob. short and to the point but still stirs up a lot of emotions and the pain that you went through is definatly expressed. i think that rejection is one of the toughest things to go through...but then again regreting never telling the person is right up beside it. Pick and choose your pain...that's the way life goes. But back to your poem. I like the rhyming, it works very well in helping the poem flow and better expresses the type of emotion you were feeling. Keep up the good work...someday you'll have a happy poem to put up here i' sure!


3/27/2003 c1 11Writing Squirrel
*Sigh.* So true. Very good poem! You can tell that you went through it because it holds the emotion of someone who did. ^_^ Good job!

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