7/22/2003 c1 90SweetGrape
Clever take. Never sure what anyones feeling because they hide from it, or they hide from others. 'which deceives the watcher', but can you ever really deceive yourself?
Hopeful and sweet, but unsure of whether it's truly there or if you've been tricked 'By brightly coloured masks'.
Clever take. Never sure what anyones feeling because they hide from it, or they hide from others. 'which deceives the watcher', but can you ever really deceive yourself?
Hopeful and sweet, but unsure of whether it's truly there or if you've been tricked 'By brightly coloured masks'.
5/4/2003 c1 32RiddleSolved
*thinks* hmm... nice. different from many other poems on fp.n and that is GOOD! :D me like! Wery good! hm.. um... what more 2 say... er... NICE!
(R&R mine... If you want to ... I would be so happy!)
*thinks* hmm... nice. different from many other poems on fp.n and that is GOOD! :D me like! Wery good! hm.. um... what more 2 say... er... NICE!
(R&R mine... If you want to ... I would be so happy!)
4/23/2003 c1 42ElizabethMary
oh my god i love this i think im going to cry this is so much like my love life right now
oh my god i love this i think im going to cry this is so much like my love life right now
4/18/2003 c1 64not sure yet
very pretty and sweet, yet with a lil fear behind it, maybe of rejection or not quite being sure, anywayz, beautifully done
very pretty and sweet, yet with a lil fear behind it, maybe of rejection or not quite being sure, anywayz, beautifully done