Just In
for Oxford's Daughter and Edinburgh's Son

11/26/2005 c10 cinnamon

Good job you should write more regency London stories!
11/26/2005 c9 cinnamon
Yay! Bliss
11/26/2005 c8 cinnamon
ow poor Mari again.
11/26/2005 c7 cinnamon
Now that's more like it!
11/26/2005 c6 cinnamon
Gasp! Oh my! wow!...
11/26/2005 c5 cinnamon
hm poor Mari, that was so mean (and rude) of Fredric!
11/26/2005 c4 cinnamon
(sharp intake of breath and shocked expression) No! aw! Must read more...
11/26/2005 c3 cinnamon
You make me laugh!
11/26/2005 c2 cinnamon
I love it!
11/26/2005 c1 cinnamon
Oh!he he he interesting!
10/17/2005 c1 1KN
oh my goodness, I hope the other chapters are as invigorating as this one!
9/17/2005 c10 One Up
This is, by far, the stupidest story I think I've ever read on this site. Ever actually. And that's saying something. Extremely immature and corny. And not in a good way.OU
7/29/2005 c10 5cOOkiMoNsteR626
very cute indeed. the story itself could use a bit of work and fancying up. but the plot is cute, and frederic really is adorable, hehe.g'job! *thumbs up*
7/29/2005 c1 cOOkiMoNsteR626
hahah~ what an excellent first chapter...you have me intrigued...i shall read on.
6/9/2005 c10 9charmed03
oh! what a cute little story! i loved it! and when you said that your main male character was based on ewan macgregor, i can't help but notice some similarities with this character and ewan's character in moulin rouge! like, the fact that he reads poetry to margaret, just like in moulin rouge. anywayz, i love ewan too! and i love this story!
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