Just In
for Beautiful Day

4/27/2003 c1 36obsidian katana
yeah, war does cause a lot of evil in this world, can't leave a peaceful beautiful day alone. oh well. nice job on this! keep on writing!
4/27/2003 c1 30promiscuous girl
Wow, ur vision in this poem is great, and I really like the lines:

"Of the flowers and the birds

Are the feathers and petals."

Sugar Cookies and Whipped Cream -

4/26/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
So sad, yet so powerful.

~Heart of the Sword
4/23/2003 c1 98hurtmushroom
Great poem, nice imagery! It's about war, that's sad, but still well done! Keep it up!

cio, hoellenwauwau
4/9/2003 c1 Elaine
short, but i can picture a heart-breaking story. another great work! keep it up!
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