Just In
for The Spider's Web

6/25/2004 c16 Baby Milo
O! Sydney and Dom! How cute! Was Dom going to say he liked Sydney or Valerie? I wasn't sure. I hope he likes Sydney so the Game MAster gets jealous! Hehe! That would be FUN! Great chapter! You're an amazing author so update soon!
6/25/2004 c16 9Katyll
Oh no...poor GameMaster...I really like him...and now she's...she's...playing with his heart...that's so mean it should be illegal...I loved the chapter though...it was a nice twist...I just have to hope that Dom was going to say that he liked Valerie...I hope you can update soon!
6/25/2004 c16 5nobodysanyone
She's mean. I can't believe she did that. She really is being a witch, by the way. It makes for a more interesting story though. Was Dom gonna say that he liked Valerie? Nah, he wouldn't have responded to the kiss then...
6/25/2004 c15 nobodysanyone
*blinks* Well that was unexpected. Not that I'm complaining. Thank god its not a love triangle!
6/25/2004 c16 1Empyrea
Finally! Loved the chapter, as usual. Update soon and I'll give you a nice big chocolate cake.
6/24/2004 c16 susie
oh so sad he really likes her. tear. please more.
6/24/2004 c5 5nobodysanyone
Loved it. I hope you don't turn this into a love triangle, though. I've never really liked those. Sean's just gonna stay like a big brother figure, right?
6/24/2004 c2 nobodysanyone
Have you ever read Heir Apparent? Is kinda like this, except the game is set in midevial times. You should read it if you haven't.
6/24/2004 c1 nobodysanyone
O...interesting. I myself would be a little bit freaked out.
6/24/2004 c16 14HereIDreamtIWasAnArchitect
Awesome. Absolutely awesome.
Also, the Dom thing was a huge surprise.
Geez, I love this stroy, but... -mutilates dom- Go away, the GM gets Syd! -cough-
6/24/2004 c16 20Global Nomad
yep i'm still areadin'! and that was fun reading too! so much better than school. but a small suggestion for next time is that don't use the hair color to refer to the person as much cause it got a bit confusing. but that's all. and am i correct in thinking that dom wasn't going to exactly say he liked her? he was perhaps going to name someone, or something, else? can't wait to find out, although the responding thing threw my thoughts off a bit there. and make him jealous yay! can't wait to read more, and sooner.
6/24/2004 c16 SweetStuff728
Yay! You finally updated, I was beginning to think that you had given up on this story. Well, as always it was a good chapter and I like the Dom and Sydney pairing. I think that they go really well together. I was a little confused by the last part but I'm sure it will all be explained in time. Keep up the good work and try not to make us wait so long for another update ;)
6/24/2004 c16 5evilcleo
I sense a triangle coming.
6/24/2004 c16 17Murder245
yahoo! finally, a new chapter! i have been waiting for this for a LONG time. it's getting more interesting. nice chapter, can't wait for the next!
6/23/2004 c16 Hitori
Oh, oh,oh *hand to mouth* Bad writer, bad bad bad. That poor game master. I've hated him up till this point and now you had to go and give him a heart. Shame on you. Now I have to go and feel bad for the poor smuck. *wimper* that poor thing. And I highly doubt you will be announcing couples, so us readers get to sit and stew. Double shame. Keep up the good work though:D
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