Just In
for The Spider's Web

12/17/2006 c1 atreyu love
11/11/2006 c18 Shima And Tempis
I got into this story kind of late, but it's so good and I truly hope you continue it someday!

11/6/2006 c18 1Quilver
Just to let you know, I think this story is awesome. I want a game master!

And Sydney is great. I love her personality; firey yet vulnerable at the same time.

Great job!

10/25/2006 c18 zoule
Absolutely bloody wonderful story...it reminds me of another on this site, also about a game. I hope you update soon. The game master is such an interesting character
10/21/2006 c17 swimchickslam
:O :O :O

Please update! I'm so anxious :P
10/19/2006 c18 outsomniac
wow...so vengeful just because SYDNEY kissed DOM..:[ poor dominick

then again, the gamemaster is super hot :D
10/18/2006 c11 outsomniac
aw thats so cute :3 hes protecting herr XD and omg the fire thing was mad cool... O_O
10/18/2006 c7 outsomniac
i love sydney, shes so cuute ^_^ very interesting romance story...not your typical boy meets girl romance :D
9/18/2006 c18 Guest
8/14/2006 c18 asmallincentiveforclovers
update! please update! im on my knees while typing this! um, i dont have anything else to say...oh wait, i do, your story rocks and predictibility and cliched(ness?) are cool so dont let them keep you from updating. i mean, c'mon sista its been like more then a year. what if i have some terrible accident and never find out the lovely gamemasters name? think of it as my last wish, er, even though im healty (but accident prone so you never know what might happen) ok, you prolly think im nuts, but dont let that keep you from updating. i mean, it cant take you THAT long right? please stop being lazy (as you put it) because you cant be THAT lazy if you are still listening (reading?) my annoying rambling note here. UPDATE! please i beg you! i dont know how to be convincing but im trying my best. i hope it works. it kinda sucks to be left hanging here so um could you like uh stop the hanging? only you have the power. well, the gamemaster does to i guess. whatever. please update. and then do it again and again until the story is finished. UPDATE!
8/13/2006 c18 Lily M
Now, I don't care how cliche this story is, I like it. In an attempt to make myself feel useful and hopefully help get you a name for the GM; might I suggest w.Babynames.com ? They have a plethora of names, their origins, and their meanings.
8/13/2006 c18 1Shake Hips Not Fists
Wow, this story is so full of suspense and action and it really great to read because it keeps you wondering no matter what. The ending was interesting too, and I hope you update soon!

Keep up the great work!
7/30/2006 c18 144chaos called creation
thanks for continuing this! i thought (by your rant) that you were going to leave this incomplete so thanks a lot for the message! looking forward to more :)
7/25/2006 c18 KatLilly86
No... what a cliffhanger. Or maybe they were all cliffhangers but this is the first time I actually have to wait. All I can say is please update soon!
7/25/2006 c17 KatLilly86
Another great chapter. The kiss was intense. I wonder what game comes next.
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