Just In
for The Spider's Web

7/25/2006 c16 KatLilly86
*Gulps nervously* Does she KNOW what the Game Master did to Sean when he barely had any reason to think something was going on?
7/25/2006 c15 KatLilly86
What would have happened if she DIDN'T pass the test? That Game Master is pretty tricky!
7/25/2006 c14 KatLilly86
The last thing she saw before darkness fell was Dominick giving her a look that perfectly articulated, “Did you just push my sister off a cliff?”

ROTFLMAO... she's certainly got guts. Also, what the hell happened with the Game Master? I guess I'll have to read on...
7/25/2006 c13 KatLilly86
LOL... if it weren't for the fact I like Sydney so much her bitchiness might get on my nerves. She just keeps picking fights!
7/25/2006 c12 KatLilly86
“Ah,” Valerie murmured, a small, ironic smile catching her lips, “That would be me.” - that whole twist was brilliant. I'm guessing our Game Master was her first stalker though, no?
7/25/2006 c11 KatLilly86
Wow... does this mean you die for real or something if you die in the game? Or maybe you're out of the game for good? Hm... curiouser and curiouser...
7/25/2006 c10 KatLilly86
They didn't finish their game. Also “Boxers or briefs?” ... that part was hilarious and completely unexpected.
7/25/2006 c9 KatLilly86
The duel was great. That Gabby is an interesting wild card, no? I can't wait to see what's next...
7/25/2006 c8 KatLilly86
I hope she remembers her fire magic...

Also... threatening scene with the Gamemaster.
7/25/2006 c7 KatLilly86
That scheming boy! Manipulating a little girl... tsk tsk.
7/25/2006 c6 KatLilly86
Are you kidding me... Gabby is annoying so far. But still kind of funny. I guess the Gamemaster didn't want to take any chances with any guys.
7/25/2006 c5 KatLilly86
I wonder how the Gamemaster knows Sydney... also her running into her old friend was great. Their reunion was nicely written.

Moving on...
7/25/2006 c4 KatLilly86
I guess that's what she gets for trying to rescue herself... :)
7/25/2006 c3 KatLilly86
Oh goodness... I can't believe she tried to escape on her own. LOL.
7/25/2006 c2 KatLilly86
It took me months to actually read past the first few paragraphs of your story (becasue it takes me forever to start something) but I must say I'm already hooked!

“Now you’re in my world, little raven, and I don’t intend to let you go this time.” -what in the world does he mean by THIS time?

If Sydney hadn’t know better, she would have said he was accusing her of holding everyone else up—actually, that’s exactly what it sounded like to her! - that made me laugh... I could totaly envision that.

Also... I must say I did not see that coming (about Sydney being the hostage). Well-done! I hope that the special forces win... for her sake.

Reading on...
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