Just In
for Existance

4/17/2003 c1 Sunlit Rain
Very nice song, very genuine. THe differing fonts and capitalization is distracting though. Otherwise good.
4/17/2003 c1 Wrong Name Tag
Great song. Nice meaning, not a topic I've seen before, at least not in this exact meaning. I really liked the second half of the last verse. "Now I'm nothing but sighing bones, Void of direction or resistance..." One thing though, maybe look over some of your phrasing and capitalization. A few times there seemed to be unneeded words and then once or twice I saw words that could have been put in to help the song work better. And even though it's just a song that you're posting on a website, it is still always more appealing when you capitalize properly. [the 'I's were my biggest issue]. The content, though, of this song was great.

4/17/2003 c1 89Lyria Shard
Gosh I loved this. I put it to a tune straight away and sang it out liud, and, believe me, it's absolutely brilliant. I love your songs, I often look back at Little Boy and sing it to my own tune when im on fictionpress.net, it's one of my favourite stories on the site. I have deleted everything from my favourties list, just recently, but you're still one of my favourtie authors, and I've recommended you on my profile. Congrats.


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