Just In
for Sweets!

9/21/2004 c1 6WakkoRyan
WakkoRyan packs away the snacks...m, delicious.
6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
Hehe.. :P
5/30/2003 c1 Kyalia
Sugar is good. So's this.
5/18/2003 c1 35Mime
A funny haiku. Sweets are very welcoming, but you have to make sure you don't eat too much!
5/7/2003 c1 72CancerianQueen
*lol* That's really weird and funny! :) I like it. But... a haiku?

Keep writing,

Vnomi. ;)
5/6/2003 c1 That One Bunny Chick
Wait...eat too much? Is that possible? Well, great job all the same! Keep writing!

5/1/2003 c1 28soulspring
hahaha. definitely a humorous piece. i love the childish innocence in it. :)!
4/30/2003 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
lol, cute.
4/30/2003 c1 11midnight dreams
:P that's gotta be one of the cutest haikus i've read. *giggles* Great job.
4/30/2003 c1 26kamikaze899
hehe.. this is cute. keep writing ^^
4/28/2003 c1 Needa S
Yummy sounds good to me all my favorites as well! Awesome job! K/ Writing..
4/25/2003 c1 39Kesshi Mashin
^_^ Cute.
4/24/2003 c1 16Pear
I love candies. ^^ Lovely and heart-warming, or rather mouth watering cut poem!
4/23/2003 c1 The Black Rider
Very cute and...you probably guessed it...sweet. Great job.
4/23/2003 c1 128Zainab
Hahaha! Funny funny! I like!
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