Just In
for And the World Ends

6/1/2003 c1 120Heather Montgomery
This is a very interesting piece! It completely surprised me, because when I started reading, I think I was expecting something entirely different. It's really good, though, very original. You manage to tell the whole story very well in a small piece.
5/12/2003 c1 32Arietti
Whoa now, just a bit confusing, but I think I understand! Great job on descriptions, you're gettin' really good at that! Keep up yer good work, oki? ^_^ Stay awesome!

5/4/2003 c1 39Kesshi Mashin
O... Hey, remember to tell us when you get a book deal, neh? ^_~ Faintly reminiscent of Final Fantasy 7, but still so good; what an enjoyable read. Keep on writin...

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