Just In
for Black Wings

3/14/2009 c12 Smile
The Song That Changed my Life sounds really interesing. It's too bad you didn't seem to write it or maybe didn't bother to post it. Regarding this story, I loved the ending though certain things reminded me of X. The earlier chapters were kind of strange like why did Mandy so easily survived the burns?
2/13/2004 c7 1teikoku
hey it's me joseph. I need some more
of the pics that follow with the story. remeber me i'm your one male reader.
8/11/2003 c12 AnimeFan
Very very good.
8/8/2003 c12 aznistic

okay that was actually a REALLY REALLY REALLY long Yay but fp.net has to cut it down .\/.

Ara! i knew you told me something about this but i thought you changed your mind and it's sucha relief to see it written out! omg is sayo sort of... like an angelic version of Mandy or something? lol she seems a lot nicer. and I liked the Miyori and Reia part, it was a nice touch ^_^
7/12/2003 c12 1aZnDrEaMeR1788
aw i lUb diS endiNG thEy mEEt FINALLy agAIn, iTS bOUT tYme iT WOUld bE shO unFAIr iF thEy diidNT lOlz wEll i doNT hATe yooH anYmORE nOW thAT thE enDInG iSH wUT i wAnTEd lOlz, gUD joB i'll tRY chEkciNG oUT yUR nEW fiC!
7/7/2003 c12 31Cindy Moon
-_-' I'm reviewing for the review chapter? Anyways, nice touch with the random scenes you forgot to put into the story. *squints at stories to come* ARRGGH, why do you have to work so hard? It'll just make me work twice as hard! I'm looking forward to reading them, so PLEASE keep me informed; i'm always the last to know. ^^ Well anyways, congrats on your thrid finished story (Sorri to say, but The Fantasy was just re-telling Final Fantasy; kept the same elements)

To Moonflow(Mai HEERO!): I'm honored that I was another sorce of inspiration other than your brother. ^_~ I can only wish I'll be a continuing support to you for anything. You know you are to me despite the cycnical comments I tend to make

-Cindy Moon *)
6/28/2003 c11 4mint
*sniffles* You shouldn't have asked people to listen to Forever Love and read your story. I did, and guess what? I cried ... T_T

It's so sad! I don't really get the last part tho' ... What's the paper all about? But to think that Ara no longer exists makes me godawfully sad ... *tears*

Great job! Sorry I haven't been reviweing much ... but I just love this story even though I read it without reviewing. It's great, and I'm left wondering what will you write next. Write more!

*listens to Forever Love and sobs* =S

Take Care ...

MiNt* =)
6/28/2003 c11 7idesel
i'm glad that this isn't the end but that's a nice way to leave it off. is aya gonna come back into it or is she gone forever? suprisingly i don't really care...she never was one of my favorite characters. i like that hikari girl.
6/28/2003 c11 1aZnDrEaMeR1788
YUR SHO CRUEL...hOW cAN yOOH kiLL mAI fAvoRiiTE chARActER, aND soME sNobby guRL tAKes hEr sPoT iN the siNgiNg aNd evERythINg! iTs shOO sAD and nO oNE rEMembers hER...i gueSS ITs foR thE best foR evERyoNE bUT iTS shO sAD foR hER! a rEALLy aWeSOme StoRy bUt sHO sAd..snIff wEll yooh dID a guD jOB!
6/28/2003 c11 31Cindy Moon
Don't give excuses for your non-originality. j/k ^^ So many things sound familiar x.x makes me miss life even more. Instant noodles gives you cancer, everything gives you cancer.

Irk some of your sentences don't make any sense, then again maybe it's just my slow brain... Okay I'll critique later, this is too good right now. I need to savor the moment of a complete story with a picture perfect ending with picture perfect couples. (Arggh, why did it have to end so happy?) teehee, don't mind me.

Until next time then

-Cindy Moon
6/28/2003 c11 Under the Street Lamp
great ending! im gona watch out for ur next fic :)
6/28/2003 c8 Under the Street Lamp
holycrap trento nscares me just when you think hes gonna be back o normal he goes crazy again oh yeah thanks for the summary at thetop i needed that
6/28/2003 c6 Under the Street Lamp
o mgmiyori O_O i feel bad for her because she loves roen and it sucks that sh egets turneddown and stuff you know? but yeah at leatsroen is back ^_^
6/28/2003 c2 Under the Street Lamp
aw poor ara i love dustin hehehehe makes me want to hug him he's so nice :) a syou can probably tell I'm trying to read all of your fic by tonight, well great chapter on to the next one!
6/28/2003 c1 Under the Street Lamp
hey i don't think i caught up with this fic yet but it's a good job so far I can't believe Ara did that!
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