Just In
for Maimed

4/11/2004 c1 114Wren Craven
wow...very intense and powerful...and desciptive! (in a good way) I hope you'll keep writing...I read your piece 'Bad Dream go Away' and I must say that I wish desperately that you would write more to it! The plot needs to be resolved, as so many people have become addicted to it! Please update soon!
8/10/2003 c1 2Katiya Kramer
Sweet poem! It was dark, that's my type! I love it!
5/4/2003 c1 7Xero Maverick
Hey, this reminds me of what I do to a certain friend on MSN all the time. I always maim him. Mwahaha. Nice stuff.
4/28/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
*gasps in awe* i love this...so depressing...so moving...reminds me of my angst...and my life...*sobs* i'm so morbid. but this is beautiful. profound, my dear fellow!

*use a brit accent there* that is so great...good job. *grin*

*^O^* ~HoST~ *^O^*
4/27/2003 c1 2soupjoker
Moving. Beautifully Moving. Keep on writing.

Paul the (female) Hampsterman

Going on my faves!
4/27/2003 c1 anon63
nicely done
4/27/2003 c1 62StregaLuna
hmm... sad.. but good... keep writing

4/27/2003 c1 misscutiepie05
You know, you are definitely something else. Great fiction and great poetry. Well-rounded. I like that :-)
4/27/2003 c1 3Angerona

um..you know it's hard to keep these things orginal and intresting..but any way i love this is so emotional it's like a little glimps at someone's last moments. Really great job i love the last lines. Using the moon and night wiht death was really nice to. :D Exselent work.
4/27/2003 c1 8RavenPhoenix

this is awesome! i got chills reading it! i cant wait to read more :)

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