Just In
for Stars

2/12/2004 c1 A Beautiful Nightmare
Ah! It's so cute...
7/27/2003 c1 57teh tarik
The imagery's amazing! Gosh, I love all your haikus!
7/17/2003 c1 80Plato's Optic Runaway
gorgeous. simply gorgeous.
7/5/2003 c1 deaths counterfeit
lol, im listening to sugar suagr by the archies, ya know honey do do do do do do o sugar sugar do do do do do do...so it was quite a constrast to this beautiful poem and light years away from the bubblegumness which is the song. the feeling when i read this was one of gentlesness, the words you used such as stroke, and wisps, and whispers, the poems atmophere was very fragile and innocent, i loved it, kudos, you give the justice to the stars they deserve.
7/4/2003 c1 lainxauber
That reminds me of a summer night. Falling asleep in my room with the fan on, the window open, the stars twinkling from between the full green branches of leaves on the trees, the crickets chirping, the fireflies blinking.
6/14/2003 c1 200Ashes of a Willow
veru god!
6/13/2003 c1 37Sunflower Philosophy
"Vaulted" sky, "cerulean gaze"... wow. I really got the soft feeling of night, reading this... "They stroke gentle clouds"... I love it. Beautiful.

m~* Sunflower, anyone?
6/2/2003 c1 34Smoky Bear
Lovely use of imagery...
6/1/2003 c1 106cosmo-queen
Amazing haiku. Extremely well-written. I love stars, hehe. Keep writing :)

5/30/2003 c1 Kyalia
Love it. I love anything relating to stars, especially anything well-written relating to stars- what I'm trying to say is that it's a really good piece.
5/27/2003 c1 greenfroggies
Cool - i love it. I like all your stuff but this especially
5/22/2003 c1 74wonky donkey
hm have I reviewed this yet?

Its really good. makes me want to go to sleep, and yes that means it is good.
5/18/2003 c1 35Mime
^.^ What a peaceful haiku!
5/15/2003 c1 103charredrose
i like it! pixies are pretty. keep writing!
5/10/2003 c1 1Loveliveshere
=) this was good, i liked your choice of words. the beginning (my favorite part) gives a very good description, and the second part gives a sense of comfort, i love it =) all in all, very nice, and btw...i think it should be "whisper" not whispers?
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