Just In
for Heartbreaker

9/23/2003 c1 Ashley
;_; that is a pretty neato speado poem! I liked the stanza 'cauz im no better than a killer' sounds like something you'd heari n a song!
8/8/2003 c1 167E. Hisifithith
hmm... That's pretty sad... but it's also very true... Most things are like that... Sucks doesn't it? The wonderful world of hearting someone! lool i like how you put that... I heart someone... that's cute... lool. Ha ha ha ha! i heart Johnny Depp! ok, i'll calm down now! This is really awesome! I'd givev you some helpful tips on making it better but I don't think it could be any better! AWESOME PEICE!

7/28/2003 c1 38Catticus
aw, i luv that. it speaks a lot of truth. cheers

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