Just In
for Intrigue

5/21/2003 c3 Oh-are-ay-en-gee-ee
Very interesting fic. I'd love to read more about Melody and Tempest. (Interesting choice of name for one of your main characters).
5/19/2003 c3 4Shahrazad
I love this story. It is so cool. Please continue to write as fast as you can cos i want to find out more!1
5/19/2003 c3 3Captured Dawn
This is utterly fantastic.

I eagerly await the next chapter.
5/17/2003 c3 organized-chaos1
Awesome story! I am really really enjoying it! Hurry post more!
5/17/2003 c3 29TheAwakenerViari
what's wrong with melody? please update soon.
5/16/2003 c3 3Artemis the Brave
I think this story is going really well. There is definately great potential if you just keep writing. I love "Aiden's" character. Strong heroines are too far and between around here! Keep writing!
5/16/2003 c3 4unseenbreeze
Wonderful. I love the PoV's. What is 'Aiden's' real name, I wonder. That's about it. Keep writing. Bravo.
5/16/2003 c3 11Crystal Teardrop
Hi! Me again! I really like this story, and the way it's going. Umm, wonderful writing, great character development. I didn't like this chapter as much. Too much stating of facts in a way that isn't compatible with the writing style. incorporate the things in, like the whole "aura of confidence" don't say it, show it. But otherwise, i liked it! Keep it up!
5/10/2003 c2 Crystal Teardrop
*applause* i like it! when are they going to find out that she's a girl? will there be a romance? triangles are good. Dom, Aiden and Tempest...i'd like to see that romance. thanx 4 reviewing my stories
5/8/2003 c2 29TheAwakenerViari
wow... i love it! update soon!
5/3/2003 c1 11Crystal Teardrop
Good, good! Definitely on my fave list! The plot is a little cliche, but the way ur writing it, it isn't. Characters are good, plot it pretty good...keep it up and keep updating!
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