Just In
for Rabid Pink Bunnies

7/1/2003 c1 HomeFry
lol. rabid bunnies. that's cute
6/10/2003 c1 Xaquya
Why haven't I seen this before. . . I see you've met some of my minions ha ha hah.

-Queen of the Pink Vampire Bunnies
5/3/2003 c1 29MelodyReiterLee
Yay! Yes, Jed is a bunny! hehe! Good job. Okay! Write more!
5/3/2003 c1 9Scythe de Zaran
Dang you! Those evil rabid bunnies. Better they get you than me. No, I don't have any pet rabid bunnies. Why did you dedicate it to me? Alright, I'll be nice about this. It's a nice poem. Subject's a bit irregular. But I don't feel ranting about this at the moment. So, there! Bah humbug.

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